Exclaves can be large or small, with or without inhabitants, with or without resources. Some exclaves are as small as one square kilometer in size, some enclaves are big with a thousand population. The legal status of some exclaves is unclear due to the lack of official documentation. Some cause tremendous tensions to arise between states, while others are able to exist in peaceful surroundings. Difficulties in border crossings are slowing regional trade and causing tension in these areas. People residing in areas close to the border experience huge problems in their ability to travel, trade, get access to water and land resources, as well as in participating in the weddings, burials, and other ceremonies of their relatives living across the border. This paper presents the high potential of exclave Sokh, located in Fergana valley in terms of tourism development. The exclave Sokh has a rich natural potential to become a popular tourist place in Central Asia with collaboration of three culture uzbek, kyrgyz and tadjik.

  • Web Address
  • DOIhttp://dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9491-2019-1-1
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 16-12-2019
  • Read count 287
  • Date of publication 10-12-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages04-10

      Exclaves can be large or small, with or without inhabitants, with or without resources. Some exclaves are as small as one square kilometer in size, some enclaves are big with a thousand population. The legal status of some exclaves is unclear due to the lack of official documentation. Some cause tremendous tensions to arise between states, while others are able to exist in peaceful surroundings. Difficulties in border crossings are slowing regional trade and causing tension in these areas. People residing in areas close to the border experience huge problems in their ability to travel, trade, get access to water and land resources, as well as in participating in the weddings, burials, and other ceremonies of their relatives living across the border. This paper presents the high potential of exclave Sokh, located in Fergana valley in terms of tourism development. The exclave Sokh has a rich natural potential to become a popular tourist place in Central Asia with collaboration of three culture uzbek, kyrgyz and tadjik.


Эксклавы могут быть большими или маленькими, с жителями или без них, с ресурсами или без. Некоторые анклавы размером всего в один квадратный километр а некоторые с населением в тысячу человек. Правовой статус некоторых из них неясен из-за отсутствия официальной документации. Есть эксклавы которые вызывают огромную напряженность между государствами, в то время как другие существуют в мирной обстановке. Трудности при пересечении границ замедляют региональную торговлю и вызывают напряженность в этих областях. Люди, проживающие в эксклавах Центральной Азии, испытывают огромные проблемы с возможностью путешествовать, торговать, получать доступ к водным и земельным ресурсам, а также участвовать в свадьбах, похоронах и других церемониях своих родственников, живущих через границу. Это превышает чувствительность населения и приводит к миграции. В данной статье представлен высокий потенциал эксклава Сох, расположенного в Ферганской долине с точки зрения развития туризма. У эксклава Сох есть богатый природный потенциал для превращения в туристический центр Центральной Азии, благодаря сотрудничеству трех культур: узбекской, киргизской и таджикской.


Eksklavlarkattayokikichik, aholisibilanyokiaholisiz, tabiiyresurslarbilanyokiresurslarsizbo’lishimumkin. Ayrim eksklavlar bir kvadrat kilometrdan kichik bo'lsa, ba'zilari minglab axoliga ega. Rasmiy hujjatlarning yo’qligi sabali ayrimlarinimng xuquqiy maqomi noaniq. Ba'zi ekskavlavlar davlatlar o'rtasida katta ziddiyatlarni vujudga keltirsa, boshqalari tinch muhitda kun kechirmoqda. Chegaradan o’tishdagi qiyinchiliklar davlatlar o’rtasidagi mintaqaviy savdo-sotiqni пасайишига ва ушбу худудларда ziddiyatlarning kuchayishiga sabab bo’lmoqda. Markaziy Osiyoning ekslkavlarida yashayotgan aholi sayohat qilish, savdo qilish, suv va er resurslaridan foydalanish, shuningdek chegaraning boshqa tarafida qolgan oila a’zolarining to'y, janoza va boshqa marosimlarida ishtirok etishda katta muammolarni boshdan kechirmoqda. Bular axolining ta’sirchanlik darajasini oshishiga va natijada yashab turgan xududlarini tashlab chiqib ketishiga olib kelmoqda. Ushbu maqolada Farg'ona vodiysida joylashgan So’x эксlavida turizmni rivojlantirishdagi uning mavjud yuqori potentsiali ochib berilgan. So’x exclavi o’zida uch madaniyatni – o’zbek, qirg’iz va tojik madaniyatlarini birlashtirgan va boy tabiiy resurslari bilan Markaziy Osiyoning mashhur turistik markaziga aylanishi mumkin bo’lgan salohiyatga ega.

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