Effective reading comprehension is closely related to cultural awareness 
of the target language as without it reading would be daunting. This paper recommends 
the  importance  of  cultural  awareness  of  an  effective  reading  comprehension  and 
illustrates  the methods of  them  to  students. Our objective  is  to  show  the  importance of 
culture, without knowing  the culture of  the  language  is  less effective way which  is also 
takes more  time and effort  than necessary. Knowing culture and  traditional customs  in 
reading process is effective way of understanding the meaning of the content immediately 
and it can be helpful key of increasing reading speed and comprehend the text. 

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 25-12-2019
  • Read count 121
  • Date of publication 10-06-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages263-266

Effective reading comprehension is closely related to cultural awareness 
of the target language as without it reading would be daunting. This paper recommends 
the  importance  of  cultural  awareness  of  an  effective  reading  comprehension  and 
illustrates  the methods of  them  to  students. Our objective  is  to  show  the  importance of 
culture, without knowing  the culture of  the  language  is  less effective way which  is also 
takes more  time and effort  than necessary. Knowing culture and  traditional customs  in 
reading process is effective way of understanding the meaning of the content immediately 
and it can be helpful key of increasing reading speed and comprehend the text. 


Эффективное  понимание  чтения  -  очень  важный  вопрос.  В 
данной  статье  студенты  учатся  и  понимают  смысл  своих  знаний. Наша  цель  - 
максимально использовать время и усилия. Знание культуры и понимания текста и 
понимания текста 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Avazmatova M.. Namdu
Name of reference
1 Beatrice S. Mikulecky, Ed.D. Teaching Reading in a Second Language. 2008 Pearson Education;
2 Emitt, M. Pollock, J. & Komesaroff, L. (2003), Language and Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3 Ismail Cakir. Developing Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching. 2006 Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
4 Sapir, E. (1921), Language. Harcourt Brace: New York.