Investigation of trade-off between characteristics of information granules for construction of fuzzy rule-based model is challenging scientific problem. Main optimization requirement in information granules estimation (antecedent and consequent parts of fuzzy rules) are cardinality which characterizes justifiability (reliability) of information granules in light of the available experimental data and specificity that characterizes semantics of information granules. This paper is devoted to a multicriterial approach to solving of optimization problem of construction of interval and fuzzy information granules. Validity of the proposed approach is proved by numerical examples.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-01-2020
  • Read count 411
  • Date of publication 19-10-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages5-8

Investigation of trade-off between characteristics of information granules for construction of fuzzy rule-based model is challenging scientific problem. Main optimization requirement in information granules estimation (antecedent and consequent parts of fuzzy rules) are cardinality which characterizes justifiability (reliability) of information granules in light of the available experimental data and specificity that characterizes semantics of information granules. This paper is devoted to a multicriterial approach to solving of optimization problem of construction of interval and fuzzy information granules. Validity of the proposed approach is proved by numerical examples.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Aliyev A.R. Joint MBA Program, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan, Georgia State University, USA Baku, 20 Azadlig Ave., AZ1010, Azerbaijan E-mail: 1raliev@asoa.edu.az Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
2 Huseynov H.O. Research Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Decision Making Systems in Industry and Economics, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan E-mail: 2oleghuseynov@yahoo.com Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
3 Adilova E.N. 3Joint MBA Program, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan, Georgia State University, USA, Baku, 20 Azadlig Ave., AZ1010, Azerbaijan E-mail: 3adilovanigarr@gmail.com Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
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