The possibilities of tools to increase the reliability of the transmission of electronic documents in industrial control systems for use in various subject areas of data processing optimization are explored and expanded. A semantic search hyperset was designed, a software and algorithmic complex was implemented, which demonstrated an improvement in the reliability of information compared to existing technologies.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-01-2020
  • Read count 379
  • Date of publication 19-10-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages146-152

The possibilities of tools to increase the reliability of the transmission of electronic documents in industrial control systems for use in various subject areas of data processing optimization are explored and expanded. A semantic search hyperset was designed, a software and algorithmic complex was implemented, which demonstrated an improvement in the reliability of information compared to existing technologies.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Jumanov I.I. Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University Samarkand, 15, University blvd., 140104, Uzbekistan, Phone: +998979220367 , E-mail: s-xolmonov@mail.ru Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University
2 Karshiev K.B. Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University Samarkand, 15, University blvd., 140104, Uzbekistan, Phone: +998979220367 , E-mail: s-xolmonov@mail.ru Department of Information Technologies, Samarkand State University
Name of reference
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