The results of the study of optical absorption of metal films YBa2
Cu3O6+x when passing
through the film direct current to 100 mA are presented. Analysis of the data indicates that the
relationship between absorption and current arises due to the possibility of filling the localization
areas with carriers in the current mode (or vice versa, due to the emission of localized carriers to
the mobility level). Fdor films with substantially nonlinear voltammper characteristic, a strong
effect of current on the value of interzone absorption was found. It has been experimentally
established that the EO-effect occurs at interzone transitions only in the mode of nonlinear VAC,
the amplitude of the effect increases with the growth of current (voltage), but with the
linearization of VAC EO-effect disappears. In the field of optical transitions at local levels, this
effect was not observed. The analysis of results from the point of view of carrier localization and
delocalization processes.
Bu maqolada YBa2Cu3O6+x metall plyonkalari orqali 100 mA gacha doimiy tok o'tganda
optik yutilishlarni tekshirishning natijalari berilgan.Olingan natijalarning tahlili shundan
iboratki , tok va yutilish orasidagi bog’lanish tokli rejimda lokalizaciya sohasining zaryad
tashuvchilar bilan to'lishi natijasida (yoki teskarisi, lokal zaryad tashuvchilarning
o'tkazuvchanlik sohasiga o'tgandan keyin) hosil bo'ladi.Nochiziqli vol’tamper harakteristikaga
ega bo'lgan plyonkalar uchun zonalararo yutilish qiymatiga tokning kuchli ta'siri
aniqlandi.Eksperiment yo'li bilan aniqlanishicha, elektr optik effekt faqat nochiziqli VAX
Aerospace engineering
rejimida zonalararo o'tishda, tok(kuchlanish)ning ortishi natijasida amplituda effektining
o'sishida hosil bo'larkan va chiziqli VAX lar bo'yicha elektr optik effekt yo'qolar ekan.Optik
o'tishlarning lokal sohalarida bu effekt kuzatilmas ekan. Zaryad tashuvchilarning lokal va
delokal jarayonlari nuqtai nazaridan qaralib natijalar tahlili o'tkazilgan.
The results of the study of optical absorption of metal films YBa2
Cu3O6+x when passing
through the film direct current to 100 mA are presented. Analysis of the data indicates that the
relationship between absorption and current arises due to the possibility of filling the localization
areas with carriers in the current mode (or vice versa, due to the emission of localized carriers to
the mobility level). Fdor films with substantially nonlinear voltammper characteristic, a strong
effect of current on the value of interzone absorption was found. It has been experimentally
established that the EO-effect occurs at interzone transitions only in the mode of nonlinear VAC,
the amplitude of the effect increases with the growth of current (voltage), but with the
linearization of VAC EO-effect disappears. In the field of optical transitions at local levels, this
effect was not observed. The analysis of results from the point of view of carrier localization and
delocalization processes.
Представлены результаты исследования оптического поглощения металлических
пленок YBa
при пропускании через пленку постоянного тока до 100 mA.Анализ
данных свидетельствует о том, что взаимосвязь поглощения и тока возникает из-за
возможности заполнения носителями в токовом режиме областей локализации(или
наоборот, из-за выброса локализованных носителей на уровень подвижности). Для пленок
с существенно нелинейной вольтамперной характеристикой обнаружено сильное влияние
тока на величину межзонного поглощения. Экспериментально было установлено, что
ЭО-эффект возникает на межзонных переходах только в режиме нелинейной ВАХ,
амплитуда эффекта увеличивается с ростом тока (напряжения), но по мере
линеаризации ВАХ ЭО-эффект исчезает. В области оптических переходов на локальных
уровнях данный эффект не наблюдался. Проведен анализ результатов с точки зрения
процессов локализации и делокализации носителей.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Bobomurodov Q.X. | magistr | Termiz davlat universiteti. |
2 | Razoqov .X. | o'qituvchi | Termiz davlat universiteti |
3 | Bobohonov O.X. | o'qituvchi | Termiz davlat universiteti. |
4 | Bobomurodov S.Q. | muxandis | TDTU |
5 | Shokirov R.A. | muxandis | TDTU |
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