There are investigated sorption and desorption characteristics of phosphate cation-exchange resin among metals: copper, nickel, cobalt, an uranyl-ion depending on pH-environment, the ionic form of cation-exchange resin, concentration of investigated cations. Interaction of cation-exchange resin in Na- and H-forms with solutions of salts sulphate of copper, nickel, cobalt, chloride sodium, calcium and nitrate of uranyl is studied. It is shown, that ions of copper, nickel, cobalt and an uranyl-ion by phosphate cation-exchange resin sorb at the expense of an ionic exchange and partially at the expense of formation of coordination communications with ionogenic group of cation-exchange resin. A study of the sorption of uranyl ions depending on the concentration of uranyl nitrate in the range of 0.01-0.1 N showed that with an increase in the concentration of uranyl in the studied interval, the value of sorption of uranyl increases slightly. The studied phosphate cation exchanger has a sufficiently high sorption and desorption ability to the ions of the tested metals.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 27-01-2020
  • Read count 222
  • Date of publication 12-12-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages94-100

Fosfor-kislotali kationitning mis, nikel’, kobal’t, uranil-ioni bo'yicha sorbcion va desorbcion hususiyatlari рН-muhit, kationitning ion-shakli, tekshirilayotgan kationitlarning koncentraciyasiga bog’liq ravishda tadqiq qilindi. Na- va H-shakllardagi kationitning mis, nikel’ va kobal’t sul’fat, natriy va kal’ciy hlorid, uranil nitrat eritmalari bilan ta'siri o'rganildi. Mis, nikel’, kobal’t ionlari va uranil-ionning fosfor-kislotali kationitda sorbciyasi ion-almashinish hisobiga va qisman kationitning ionogen guruhi bilan koordinacion bog’lanish hosil bo'lishi hisobiga borishi ko'rsatildi.0,01-0,1 N oraliqda uranil nitrat koncentraciyasining oshishi bilan uranil ionlarining sorbciyasi birmuncha oshishi o'rganildi. Tadqiq qilinatgan fosfat kislotali kationit o'rganilayotgan ionlar bo'yicha etarlicha yahshi sorbcion va desorbcion hususiyatga ega.


There are investigated sorption and desorption characteristics of phosphate cation-exchange resin among metals: copper, nickel, cobalt, an uranyl-ion depending on pH-environment, the ionic form of cation-exchange resin, concentration of investigated cations. Interaction of cation-exchange resin in Na- and H-forms with solutions of salts sulphate of copper, nickel, cobalt, chloride sodium, calcium and nitrate of uranyl is studied. It is shown, that ions of copper, nickel, cobalt and an uranyl-ion by phosphate cation-exchange resin sorb at the expense of an ionic exchange and partially at the expense of formation of coordination communications with ionogenic group of cation-exchange resin. A study of the sorption of uranyl ions depending on the concentration of uranyl nitrate in the range of 0.01-0.1 N showed that with an increase in the concentration of uranyl in the studied interval, the value of sorption of uranyl increases slightly. The studied phosphate cation exchanger has a sufficiently high sorption and desorption ability to the ions of the tested metals.


Исследованы сорбционные и десорбционные характеристики фосфорнокислого катионита в ряду металлов: медь, никель, ко­бальт, уранил-ион в зависимости от рН-среды, ионной формы катионита, концентрации исследуемых катионов. Изучено взаимодействие катионита в Na- и Н-формах с растворами солей сернокислой меди, никеля, кобальта, хлористого натрия, кальция и нитрата уранила. Показано, что ионы меди, никеля, кобальта  и уранил-иона фосфорнокислым катионитом сорбируются за счет ионного обмена и частично за счет образования координационных связей с ионогенной группой катионита.  Изучение сорбции ионов уранила в зависимости от концентрации нитрата уранила в интервале 0.01-0.1 N показало, что с увеличением концентрации уранила в исследуемом интервале несколько увеличивается величина сорбции уранила. Исследуемый фосфорнокислый катионит обладает достаточно высокой сорбционной и десорбционной способностью к ионам испытуемых металлов.

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