In article questions of a conclusion of the coefficients of the equations of a rail four-polar of
a jointless rail circuit are considered, taking into account uncertainty of borders where the
travelling receiver which is applied now on a railway transportation is used. Mathematical
modeling of four-pole coefficients by locomotive receiver is given. Analytical expressions and
coefficients for calculation of the locomotive current flowing under the receiving coils and
transfer resistance are derived. The scheme of a jointless rail circuit in the presence of moving
units and mutual influence on each other is given. The influence of the carrier information from
the traffic light in front, where it is necessary to take into account the factor of the signal level
from the outgoing train, so that the information of the neighboring rail circuit would not be
perceived, since there are no insulating joints. A scheme with five four poles has been developed
and coefficients of these four poles have been obtained to calculate the current of the locomotive
flowing under the receiving coils. Analytical expressions are obtained for determining the
current for receiving by the receiving coils of a locomotive, the minimum supply voltage of an
unbroken rail circuit and the transmission resistance of a rail circuit in normal operation for a
locomotive receiver.
Maqolada hozirgi vaqtda temir yo'l transportida foydalaniladigan yo'l qabul qiluvchisi
ishlatiladigan noaniq chegaralarni hisobga olgan holda, uzluksiz relsning to'rt qutblama
koeffitsientlari tenglamalarini olish muammolari ko'rib chiqildi. Lokomotiv qabul qiluvchisi
tomonidan to'rt qutbli koeffitsientlarini matematik modellashtirish berilgan. Uzatish qarshiligi
va lokomotivning qabul qiluvchi bobinlari ostida tok oqishni hisoblash uchun koeffisientlar
olingan va analitik iboralar keltirilgan. Bir-biriga o'zaro ta'sir bo'lgan holatida va ularda
harakatlar bo'lganda stiksiz rels zanjiri sxemasi keltirilgan. Ro’paradagi svetofordan tashuvchi
ma'lumotining ta'siri, chiquvchi poyezddan signal darajasi omilini ko'rib chiqish kerak bo’lsa, u
holda qo'shni rels zanjiri ma'lumotlari sezilmasligi kerak, chunki izolyatsiya qiladigan bo'g'inlar
mavjud emas. Lokomotiv qabul qiluvchi g’altaklari orasida oqayotgan tok hisoblash uchun
beshta to’rt qutbli sxema ishlab chiqilgan va bu to’rt qutblarga koeffisientlar olingan. Lokomotiv
qabul qiluvchisi uchun normal ishlashda temir yo'l uzatish qarshiligi va minimal kuchlanishga
ega bo'lgan manbaning stiksiz rels zanjiri, lokomotivning qabul qiluvchi boblarini olish uchun
tokni aniqlash analitik iboralari olingan.
In article questions of a conclusion of the coefficients of the equations of a rail four-polar of
a jointless rail circuit are considered, taking into account uncertainty of borders where the
travelling receiver which is applied now on a railway transportation is used. Mathematical
modeling of four-pole coefficients by locomotive receiver is given. Analytical expressions and
coefficients for calculation of the locomotive current flowing under the receiving coils and
transfer resistance are derived. The scheme of a jointless rail circuit in the presence of moving
units and mutual influence on each other is given. The influence of the carrier information from
the traffic light in front, where it is necessary to take into account the factor of the signal level
from the outgoing train, so that the information of the neighboring rail circuit would not be
perceived, since there are no insulating joints. A scheme with five four poles has been developed
and coefficients of these four poles have been obtained to calculate the current of the locomotive
flowing under the receiving coils. Analytical expressions are obtained for determining the
current for receiving by the receiving coils of a locomotive, the minimum supply voltage of an
unbroken rail circuit and the transmission resistance of a rail circuit in normal operation for a
locomotive receiver.
В статье рассмотрены вопросы вывода уравнений коэффициентов рельсового
четырѐхполюсника бесстыковой рельсовой цепи, с учетом нечеткости границ, где
используется путевой приемник, который применяется в настоящее время на
железнодорожном транспорте. Приведено математическое моделирование
Electrical and Computer Engineering
коэффициентов четырехполюсника по локомотивному приемнику. Выведены
аналитические выражения и получены коэффициенты для расчѐта тока, протекающего
под приѐмными катушками локомотива и сопротивления передачи. Приведена схема
бесстыковой рельсовой цепи при наличии на них подвижных единиц и взаимное влияние
друг на друга. Влияние несущей информации от впереди стоящего светофора, где надо
учитывать фактор уровня сигнала от уходящего поезда, что бы не была воспринята
информация соседней рельсовой цепи, так как отсутствуют изолирующие стыки.
Разработана схема с пятью четырехполюсниками и получены коэффициенты этих
четырехполюсников для расчета тока, протекающего под приемными катушками
локомотива. Получены аналитические выражения для определения тока для получения
приемными катушками локомотива, для минимального напряжения питания бестыковой
рельсовой цепи и сопротивления передачи рельсовой цепи при нормальном режиме для
локомотивного приемника.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Aliev R.M. | dotsent | Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, Tashkent, |
2 | Tokhirov E.T. | dotsent | Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, Tashkent, |
3 | Aliev M.M. | o'qituvchi | Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, Tashkent, |
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