This article is presented an overview of hydro mechanical and electromechanical processes.
Little attention was paid to the study of these two areas at the same time. The two directions
above are the results of a simultaneous study. A joint study of these components of a single
process received little attention. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn on the effect of AER
(automatic excitation regulator) on the damped operational parameters and ensuring the stable
operation of hydropower plants. The results can be used in the reconstruction of existing and
designing new pumping stations, so transients are considered for a certain range of variation of
these parameters. One of the difficult modes is to reduce the voltage on the tare of the station,
Electrical and Computer Engineering
especially on the system buses. The analysis shows that a decrease in voltage on the system
buses by more than 8% leads to the output of the LED out of synchronism, if during this period
for some reason the ARV of the machine is turned off. The characteristics of transients with a
decrease in voltage on the system tires by 2% are given.
Ushbu maqolada gidromexanik va elektromexanik jarayonlarni o'rganish keltirilgan. Ushbu ikkita
yo'nalishni bir vaqtning o`zida tadqiq qilishga kam etibor berilagan. Yuqoridagi ikkita yo'nalish bir
vaqtning o'zida tadqiq qilish natijalari keltirilgan.Olingan natijalar mavjud nasos stantsiyalarini
rekonstruktsiya qilish va loyihalashda ishlatilishi mumkin, shuning uchun ushbu
parametrlarning ma'lum bir o'zgarishi oralig'ida o'tuvchilar hisobga olinadi. Qiyin rejimlardan
biri bu, ayniqsa, tizim tarmoqlaridagi stantsiyalarning shinasidagi kuchlanishni kamaytirish.
Tahlil shuni ko'rsatadiki, tizim shinasidagi kuchlanishning 8% dan ko'proq pasayishi, agar
ushbu vaqt davomida biron bir sababga ko'ra mashinaning QAR o'chirilgan bo'lsa, SM ning
sinxronizmdan chiqib ketishiga olib keladi. Tizim shinalaridagi kuchlanish 2% ga pasayishi
bilan o'tadiganlarning xarakteristikalari berilgan.
This article is presented an overview of hydro mechanical and electromechanical processes.
Little attention was paid to the study of these two areas at the same time. The two directions
above are the results of a simultaneous study. A joint study of these components of a single
process received little attention. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn on the effect of AER
(automatic excitation regulator) on the damped operational parameters and ensuring the stable
operation of hydropower plants. The results can be used in the reconstruction of existing and
designing new pumping stations, so transients are considered for a certain range of variation of
these parameters. One of the difficult modes is to reduce the voltage on the tare of the station,
Electrical and Computer Engineering
especially on the system buses. The analysis shows that a decrease in voltage on the system
buses by more than 8% leads to the output of the LED out of synchronism, if during this period
for some reason the ARV of the machine is turned off. The characteristics of transients with a
decrease in voltage on the system tires by 2% are given.
В данной статье рассматривается обзор гидромеханических и электромеханических
процессов. Мало внимания было уделено изучению этих двух областей одновременно. Два
направления, приведенные выше, являются результатами одновременного исследования.
В заключение сделаны выводы по влиянию АРВ (автоматический регулятор возбуждения)
на демпфируемые режимные параметры и обеспечение устойчивой работы
гидроэнергетических установок. Получаемые результаты могут быть использованы при
реконструкции существующих и проектировании новых насосных станций, поэтому
переходные процессы рассмотрены для определенного диапазона изменения этих
параметров. Одним из тяжелых режимов является снижение напряжения на шинах
станции, в особенности на шинах системы. Анализ показывает, что снижение
напряжения на шинах системы более чем на 8% приводит к выходу СД из синхронизма,
если в этот период по какой – либо причине АРВ машины отключается. Приведены
характеристики переходных процессов при снижении напряжения на шинах системы на
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Nurmatov Y.O. | o'qituvchi | TDTU |
2 | Matkarimov K.S. | o'qituvchi | TDTU |
№ | Name of reference |
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