Communication is the important part of the people’s life. Communicating way can be the firstreason for both success and failure in further progression or regression. Communicating in proper and polite way with the people in different cultural background is becoming one of the most important
matters that still lacks researching.
In this article, main topic is to study greeting phrases, namely, speech etiquette units comparatively in order to determine the similarities and differences; analyse them linguapragmatically considering FTA (face threatening acts) and FSA (face saving acts). Greeting phrases were collected and analyzed by observation lively, virtually and relying on written, recorded materials, as well as holding a questionnaire survey via google form.
Communication is the important part of the people’s life. Communicating way can be the firstreason for both success and failure in further progression or regression. Communicating in proper and polite way with the people in different cultural background is becoming one of the most important
matters that still lacks researching.
In this article, main topic is to study greeting phrases, namely, speech etiquette units comparatively in order to determine the similarities and differences; analyse them linguapragmatically considering FTA (face threatening acts) and FSA (face saving acts). Greeting phrases were collected and analyzed by observation lively, virtually and relying on written, recorded materials, as well as holding a questionnaire survey via google form.
Общение является важной частью жизни людей. Способ общения может быть первой причиной как успеха, так и неудачи в дальнейшей прогрессии или регрессии. Правильное и вежливое общение с людьми, принадлежащими к разным культурам, становится одним из наиболее важных вопросов, которые все еще не изучены.
В этой статье основной темой является сравнительное изучение фраз приветствия, единиц речевого этикета, чтобы определить сходства и различия; проанализировать лингва-прагматически, учитывая FTA (face threatening acts) and FSA (face saving acts).
Мулоқотга киришиш, суҳбатлашиш инсон ҳаётининг муҳим қисми бўлиб, айнан суҳбатнинг қандай усулда олиб борилиши муваффақияцизликнинг ҳам, беқиёс муваффақиятнинг ҳам асосий сабабчиси бўлиши мумкин. Турли маданиятларга мансуб кишилар мулоқотини тўғри олиб бориш ва хушмуомалалик қоидаларини тўгри тушунган ҳолда, унга амал қилиш социолингвистикада ҳамон чуқурроқ тадқиқотларга муҳтож долзарб мавзу бўлиб қолмоқда.
Бу мақолада нутқий этикет бирликларида саломлашув сўз ва бирикмалари ўзбек ва форс тилларида чоғиштирма ўрганилади. Уларнинг ўхшаш ва фарқли жиҳатлари FTA (face threatening acts) and FSA (face saving acts) инобатга олган ҳолда, лингвопрагматик тадқиқ этилади.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Turdieva K.K. | Katta o'qituvchi | Алишер Навоий номидаги Ўзбек тили ва адабиёти университети |
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