Argon ionlarining kichik burchaklarda InP(001), sirtidan sochilishi kompyuterda modellashtirildi. Yuqorida keltirilgan yarim kanallardan sochilgan ionlarning trektoriyalari, energetik va burchak taqsimotlari o’rganildi.

  • Read count259
  • Date of publication01-07-2018
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages5

The Ar+ ions scattering from the InP(001), surfaces at the grazing incidence have been simulated by the computer simulation method. The trajectory, energy and angular distributions of scattered argon ions on above mentioned surface semichannels have been calculated.


С методом компьютерного моделирования смоделировано рассеяния ионов Ar+ с поверхностью InP(001),. Рассчитаны траек-тории, энергетические и угловые распределения ионов аргон полуканалах вышеупомянутых поверхностей


Argon ionlarining kichik burchaklarda InP(001), sirtidan sochilishi kompyuterda modellashtirildi. Yuqorida keltirilgan yarim kanallardan sochilgan ionlarning trektoriyalari, energetik va burchak taqsimotlari o’rganildi.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Tangriberganov I.U. teacher, physics department, Urgench State University UrDU
2 Qurbanov M.K. candidate of science , technical faculty, Urgench State University, UrDU
3 Kutliev U.O. DSc , physics department, Urgench State University UrDU
4 Otaboev M.U. Otaboev Mexroj Uchkun o’g’li, Student of Tagan college
5 Karimov .K. PhD student, physics department, UrDU
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