Maqolada shisha idishlar ishlab chiqarishda qo`llaniladigan kvars qumi hom ashyosiga qo`yilgan zamonaviy talablar bayon qilinib O`zbekistondagi kvars qumining asosiy konlariga tavsif berilgan. Yuqori sifatli shisha idishlar ishlab chiqarishda dastlabki kvars qumi namunasini boyitish texnologiyalari ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODEREN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE REGION. 2018-II 17 asosida sifatini yaxshilash mumkinligi, bunda qo`shimcha ravishda 750-800 oC haroratda qumni quritish va keskin sovutish hisobiga qum donachalarini yuzalarida g`adir-budirlik hosil qilish mumkinligi ko`rsatib berilgan, 0,4-0,1 mm o`lchamdagi tarkibida temir oksidlari miqdori 0,04-0,03 % bo`lgan kvars qumlari olish imkoniyatlari bayon qilingan. 

  • Read count 521
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages16

The article describes modern requirements for quartz sand raw materials used in glass bottles, and describes the major deposits of quartz sand in Uzbekistan. It is possible to improve the quality of the first quartz sand samples on the production of high quality glass bottles with the addition of sand drying and sharp cooling at the temperature of 750-800 ° C, resulting in the formation of sand fracture surfaces, 0. Quartz sands, with a content of iron oxides in the range of 4-0.1 mm (0.04-0.03%). The possibility of using quartz-feldspar sand of the Yangiarik field and defecate-waste of OS "Khorazmshakar" in the synthesis of decorative and lining glasses and glass materials of the system Na2O-CaO-MgO-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 is considered. With the use of colorants as dyes spent catalysts of chemical ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODEREN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE REGION. 2018-II 18 production. The properties of synthesized glasses and glass materials have been studied. Due tothe studies of the structure and phase composition by X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy, the influence of color-bearing crystalline phases on the operational-technical and organoleptic properties was established. The obtained glass and glass materials have high indicators of operationaltechnical and aesthetic-consumer properties, which indicate the possibility of their use in the construction and architecture as decorative-lining materials


В статье описаны современные требования к кварцевому песку, используемому в стеклянных бутылках, и описаны основные месторождения кварцевого песка в Узбекистане. Можно улучшить качество первых образцов кварцевого песка при производстве высококачественных стеклянных бутылок с добавлением сушки песка и резкого охлаждения при температуре 750-800 ° С, что приведет к образованию поверхностей разрушения песка, 0 , Кварцевые пески, с содержанием оксидов железа в диапазоне 4-0,1 мм (0,04-0,03%).


Maqolada shisha idishlar ishlab chiqarishda qo`llaniladigan kvars qumi hom ashyosiga qo`yilgan zamonaviy talablar bayon qilinib O`zbekistondagi kvars qumining asosiy konlariga tavsif berilgan. Yuqori sifatli shisha idishlar ishlab chiqarishda dastlabki kvars qumi namunasini boyitish texnologiyalari ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODEREN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE REGION. 2018-II 17 asosida sifatini yaxshilash mumkinligi, bunda qo`shimcha ravishda 750-800 oC haroratda qumni quritish va keskin sovutish hisobiga qum donachalarini yuzalarida g`adir-budirlik hosil qilish mumkinligi ko`rsatib berilgan, 0,4-0,1 mm o`lchamdagi tarkibida temir oksidlari miqdori 0,04-0,03 % bo`lgan kvars qumlari olish imkoniyatlari bayon qilingan. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Babayev Z.K. the head of the department of "Chemical Technologies" Ph.D., associate professor of UrSU UrDU
2 Yunusov M.Y. Professor of the Department of "Technology of Silicate Materials, Rare and Noble Metals" Doctor of Technical Sciences TashIChT TashIIT
3 Matchanov .K. Professor of the Department of "Technology of Silicate Materials, Rare and Noble Metals" Doctor of Technical Sciences TashIChT
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