The optimal technological parameters of the ScutellariaIscanderi L. extraction process, which possesses hypotensive, sedative and antispasmodic activity, in particular, the nature of the extractant, the degree
of grinding of the raw material, the hydraulic module, the temperature and the multiplicity of extraction,
have been established.
The optimal technological parameters of the ScutellariaIscanderi L. extraction process, which possesses hypotensive, sedative and antispasmodic activity, in particular, the nature of the extractant, the degree
of grinding of the raw material, the hydraulic module, the temperature and the multiplicity of extraction,
have been established.
Установлены оптимальные технологические параметры процесса экстракции Scutellariа
Iscandеri L., обладающего гипотензивной, седативной и спазмолитической активностью, в
частности, природы экстрагента, степень измельчения сырья, гидромодуль, температура и
кратность экстракции.
Гипотензив, седатив ва антиспазмотик фаолиятга эга Scutellariа Iscandеri L. ўсимлигининг
экстракция жараёнининг оптимал технологик параметрлари, хусусан экстрагентни табиати,
хомашёни майдалик даражаси, гидромодуль, экстрациянинг харорати ва миқдори аниқланди.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Ismailova P.L. | ||
2 | Abzalova N.A. | Toshkent Farmatsevtika Instituti | |
3 | Ahmedov A.R. | ||
4 | Ismailova M.G. | Toshkent Farmatsevtika Instituti |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. The World of medicinal plants NSP: Illustrated Reference / ed. P.V. Druzhinin, A.F. Novikova; status I.Turov. - M., 2010. |
2 | 2. D.N.Oleynikov, N.K.Chirikova, L.M.Tankhaeva. Phenolic compounds of the Baikal skullcap (ScutellariabaicalensisGeorgi) // Chemistry of plant raw materials - 2009. -№4 -.С.89-91. |
3 | 3. P.L.Ismailova, N.A.Yunuskhodzhaeva, M.G.Ismailova, G.K.Toshev "Determination of the presence of flavonoids in the plant Scutellaria Iscanderi L." - Materials of the Republican scientifc-practical conference with international participation "Integration of education, science and production in pharmacy - Tashkent 2015, p. 246. |
4 | 4. N.B.Leonidov. A method of obtaining a dry plant extract // RF Patent No. 2088255 dated 07.27.1997. |