We examined 128 patients with the age from 18 to 35 years. 20 individuals without preexisting lower respiratory tract diseases were chosen for comparison as a seperate group. They were clinically and endoscopically dignosed with a foreign body of the respiratory tract and underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage for bacteriological analysis. 108 patients were diagnosed with recurrent bronchitis (ICD-10 J.40). These patients were further divided into 3 groups. We also performed the additional bacteriologic analysis of feces in order to determine the relationship between changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis under the influence of the antibiotic therapy in comparison with the changes in the intestinal biocenosis. 80% of patients from the group III (no lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria), who received antibiotics, demonstrated chages in bronchial microbiocenosis, which were statistically different (р<0,05) from the parameters of the microbiocenosis in the group I (control), where antibiotics were administered in 47,5%. In the patients from the group II, where antibiotic therapy was used in 72,2% of patients, either lacto- or bifidobacteria were found. However these changes were not significantly different (p<0,06) from the parameters of the group I, which may indicate the incompleteness of negative changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis. Based on the acquired data we found lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria in bronchoalveolar lavage in 100% of examined individuals, who had no prior lower respiratory tract diseases

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system12-04-2020
  • Read count130
  • Date of publication22-12-2017
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages142-147

Биз 18 ёшдан 35 ёшгача бўлган 128 нафр беморни текширишдан ўтказдик. Натижаларни таққослаш учун алоҳида гуруҳ сифатида пастки нафас йўлларининг касалликлари бўлмаган 20 нафар кўнгиллилар (валантер) танланди. Уларда нафас йўларининг ёт жисми бор эди ва уларга бактериологик текшириш учун бронхоальвеоляр лаваж билан бронхоскопия ўтказилди. 108 нафар беморда рецидивланувчи бронхит (ICD-10 J.40) диагностика қилинди. Бу беморлар бронхоальвеоляр лаважда лактобацилл бактериялар ва бифидобактериялар тўлиқ ёки нотўлиқ борлиги ёки йўқлигига боғлиқ равишда қўшимча 3 гуруҳга бўлинди. Антибактериал терапия таъсирида ичакларда биоценоз ўзгаришини бронхлардаги микробиоценоз ўзгариши билан таққослаш ва улар ўртасидаги боғлиқликни аниқлаш мақсадида ахлат ҳам қўшимча бактериологик текширишдан ўтказилди. Статистик микробиоценоз бўйича параметрлари ҳар хил бўлган (р<0,05) антибиотиклар 47,5% қабул қилган I гуруҳдаги беморларга нисбатан антибиотиклар қабул қилган III гуруҳдаги 80% беморларда бронхиал микробиоценоз энг юқори кўрсаткичларга эришди. 72,2% беморлага антибиотиклар қўлланилган II гуруҳдаги беморларда лакто- ёки бифидобактериялар аниқланди. Аммо бу ўзгаришлар I гуруҳдаги параметлар бўйича деярли фарқ қилмади (p<0,06), бу бронхиал микробиоценозда манфий ўзгаришлар тўлиқ бўлмаганлигидан дарак беради. Олинган маълумотларга асосланган ҳолда, пастки нафас йўлларида қўшимча касалликлари бўлмаган 100% текширилган беморларда бронхоальвеоляр лаважда лактобацилл ва бифидобактериялар аниқланди


We examined 128 patients with the age from 18 to 35 years. 20 individuals without preexisting lower respiratory tract diseases were chosen for comparison as a seperate group. They were clinically and endoscopically dignosed with a foreign body of the respiratory tract and underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage for bacteriological analysis. 108 patients were diagnosed with recurrent bronchitis (ICD-10 J.40). These patients were further divided into 3 groups. We also performed the additional bacteriologic analysis of feces in order to determine the relationship between changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis under the influence of the antibiotic therapy in comparison with the changes in the intestinal biocenosis. 80% of patients from the group III (no lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria), who received antibiotics, demonstrated chages in bronchial microbiocenosis, which were statistically different (р<0,05) from the parameters of the microbiocenosis in the group I (control), where antibiotics were administered in 47,5%. In the patients from the group II, where antibiotic therapy was used in 72,2% of patients, either lacto- or bifidobacteria were found. However these changes were not significantly different (p<0,06) from the parameters of the group I, which may indicate the incompleteness of negative changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis. Based on the acquired data we found lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria in bronchoalveolar lavage in 100% of examined individuals, who had no prior lower respiratory tract diseases

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1 Tish O..
Name of reference
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