• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 13-04-2020
  • Read count 371
  • Date of publication 15-08-2018
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages7-9

Ушбу тадқиқот ишида 117 та экстрагепатик келиб чиқишга эга бўлган “субтрансаминаземия” (СТ) ҳолат таҳлили сабаблари келтирилган. СТ ривожланиш сабаблари турлича эканлиги аниқланди. Улар орасида қандли диабет, дорилар қабули, дислипопротеинемия ва семизлик устунлик қилди. Бу “квартет”да дорига боғлиқ СТ шакли лидерликни қўлга киритди.


Results of retrospective and prospective analyses of the reasons of 117 cases of "a subtransaminasaemia" (ST) of an extrahepatic origin are given in work. The range of the reasons of development of ST was very various. Thus diabetic mellitus, drug intake, dislipoproteinaemia and obesity are dominated. In this "quartet" the leading position of the induced ST by drug was taken.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abdullayeva U.K.
Name of reference
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