• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 13-04-2020
  • Read count 653
  • Date of publication 24-11-2018
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages9-11

129 нафар эпилепсия касаллигини текширувлари натижасида юқори частотали (73,6%) ассоцирлашган хавотир ва депрессив психопатологик ўзгаришлар кузатилди, улардан (66,1%) ни аёллар ташкил қилди. Хавотир ва депрессив ўзгаришлар билан уюшган эпилепсиянинг фарқли клиник хусусиятлари фармакорезистентлик, содда парциал идеатор ва эмоционал-аффектив хуружларнинг устувор бўлиши ҳисобланади ва хавотир депрессив доирадаги аффектив бузилишларнинг анамнезида касаллик бошланишигача (79,8%) мавжуд бўлиши ҳисобланади.


As a result of a study of 129 patients with epilepsy, a high frequency (73.6%) of associated psychopathological disorders of anxiety and depressive nature was detected, with their prevalence in women (66.1%). Distinctive clinical features of epilepsy associated with anxiety and depressive disorders are pharmacoresistance, the prevalence of simple partial ideatorial and emotional-affective seizures and the presence of affective disorders of the anxiety-depressive circle in history before the onset of the disease (79.8%).

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abdullayeva N.N.
2 Azizova R.B.
3 Umirkulov O.E.
Name of reference
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