• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 14-04-2020
  • Read count 230
  • Date of publication 24-05-2019
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages144-147

Эркакларда фертилликнинг ҳар хил бузилиши даражаси билан контрикал билан даволанишдан олдин ва кейин сперманинг потеолитик ҳамда антипротеолитик фаоллиги, интерлейкин, TGF-β ўрганилди. Тадқиқот натижаларидан қуйидаги хулосага келинди, контрикалнинг эркаклар спермасини иммун коррекция қилувчи сифатида қўлланиши унинг иммун тавсифини яхшилаш, шунингдек, сперманинг антипротеолитик фаоллигининг пасайиши ҳамда протеолитик фаоллигининг ошишига сабаб бўлади. Бундай ўзгаришлар сперманинг фертил хусусиятини яхшилайди


In men with varying degrees of impaired fertility, interleukins, TGF-β, poteolytic and antiproteolytic activity of sperm were investigated before and after contrical treatment. It was concluded that the use of the drug contrycal as an immunocorrective factor of male sperm contributes to the improvement of its immune characteristics, as well as a decrease in antiproteolytic and an increase in proteolytic activity of sperm. These changes improve the fertile properties of sperm

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xojimatov G.M.
Name of reference
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