• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 14-04-2020
  • Read count 430
  • Date of publication 24-05-2019
  • Main LanguageRus
  • Pages173-175

Ошқозоности бези фермент ажратиш фаолиятининг ўзгариши бўйича ХЦК-8 и ХЦК-33 портал ичига юборилганда жигар утилизация даражаси ўрганилди. Тадқиқот 6 та серияда 42 та каламушда олиб борилди, ҳар бир серияда 7 тадан ўткир экспериментлар ўтказилди. Каламушларда ХЦК-8 ва ХЦК-33 портал венага юборилганда жигар қисқа занжирли пептидни утилизация қилади, деган хулосага келинди. Олинган натижалар овқат ҳазм қилувчи безларнинг бошқариш механизмларидан бири ҳисобланувчи қисқа занжирли пептит утилизациясида жигарнинг иштирок этишини тасдиқлайди. Мазкур далил ошқозон –ичак йўллари ва жигар ўзаро боғлиқлигининг физиологик механизми эканлигининг янги исботи ҳисобланади


The degree of utilization by the liver of CCK-8 and CCK-33 was studied during their intraportal administration, by altering the enzymes of the pancreas. Studies were conducted on 42 rats in 6 series, 7 acute experiments in each series. It was concluded that in rats the liver utilizes the short chain peptide CCK-8 and insignificantly CCK-33 when injected into the portal vein. The results obtained confirm the involvement of the liver in the change in utilization of short-chain peptides, which is one of the mechanisms regulating the activity of the digestive glands. This fact is a new proof of the existence of the physiological mechanism of the relationship of the gastrointestinal tract and the liver.

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