The full name of the author | Total number of publications | Total number of citations | UzSCI Hirsch Index |
Muydinova Yakutkhan Giyazidinovna Farg‘ona jamoat salomatligi tibbiyot instituti | 1 | - | - |
Koryogdiyev Z Sh Farg‘ona jamoat salomatligi tibbiyot instituti | 1 | - | - |
Rakhimova Kh A Farg‘ona jamoat salomatligi tibbiyot instituti | 1 | - | - |
Muydinova Yo G' Farg‘ona jamoat salomatligi tibbiyot instituti | 1 | - | - |
Bekkulova Mohigul Abdurasulovna Farg‘ona jamoat salomatligi tibbiyot instituti | 1 | - | - |