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Name:Toshkent davlat transport universiteti

Address:100167 Toshkent sh., Temiryoʻlchilar koʻchasi 1 uy

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Email: rektorat@tstu.uz

Name vol. 1 issue 2 2024
Journal Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта
Volume Number 1
Published At 30/06/2024
Pages 139
Issue Number 2
Total number 1
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Yo‘lovchi tashish xizmatlari sifatini oshirish

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 32-35 48 48

Kombinatsiyalangan yo‘l mashinalarining (MAN CLA 18.280 4x2 BB CS45) yoyib sepish diski parametrlarni hisoblab tanlash usuli

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 36-39 41 41

Ikki о‘lchovli elastik jismlarni chekli elementlar usulida yechish imkoniyatlari

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 40-44 34 34

Development of the button relay scheme and algorithm of the dial group microprocessor blocks controlling two combined shunting traffic lights of the railway automation and telemechanics system

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

Ingliz 45-49 51 51

Yo‘lovchi transportida xizmat ko‘rsatish sifat parametrlari va ularning og‘irligini aniqlash

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 50-55 29 29