The article deals with the development of a technological scheme of a phased technology of flotation of hard-to-rich and persistent gold-bearing ores. The results of laboratory tests of difficult-to-enrich gold-arsenic polymetallic ores of Uzbekistan deposits are substantiated. On the basis of the taken several crushed samples of different size, used in the enrichment by flotation method, without changing the reagent flow rate, the optimal technological scheme for the extraction of high-quality gold-containing concentrate. As a result of the laboratory work, a composition of unreacted useful components sent to the tails was obtained and more qualitative gold-containing concentrate was drained.The most acceptable result of the laboratory work was the enrichment of ore according to the selective scheme to obtain 45.38% g / t of gold, 3.97% arsenic, 23.83% sulfur, 4.74% alumina preserving enrichment, while the breakdown of gold for enrichment is 93.5%, and the breakdown of silver for enrichment as a satellite element-34.6%. The obtained results were achieved only in laboratory conditions, if at present the technological scheme recommended in the article for gold extraction ore is implemented at the gold recovery plant in our Republic, then it is possible to achieve the separation of gold for enrichment above 90% and reduce the number of harmful additives.
Maqolada boyitilishi qiyin bo‘lgan oltin rudalarini bosqichma-bosqich flotatsiyalashning maqbul tehnologik sxemasi ishlab chiqilgan. Laboratoriya sharoitida O‘zbekistondagi polimetal konlaridan boyitilishi qiyin bo‘lgan oltin-mishyak ruda namunasidan bir nechta tajriba asosida, yanchishning turli yirikligida boyitishning flotatsiya usulini bosqichma - bosqich qo‘llab, reagentlarning sarfini o‘zgartirmagan holda, sifatli oltin boyitmasini olishning maqbul tehnologik shemasi ishlab chi?ilgan. O‘tkazilgan laboratoriya ishlarining asosiy mohiyati chiqindiga foydali komponentning ajralishini maksimal darajasida kamaytirish va sifatli oltin boyitma ko‘zda tutilgan. O‘tkazilgan laboratoriya ishlaridan olingan eng maqbul natijasiga ko‘ra rudani selektiv sxema bo‘yicha boyitishda tarkibida 45,38 % g/t oltin, 3,97 % mishyak, 23,83 % oltingugurt, 4,74 % glinozem saqlovchi boyitma olish mumkin bo‘lib, bunda oltinning boyitmaga ajralishi 93,5 %, yo‘ldosh element sifatida kumushning boyitmaga ajralishi 34,6 % ni tashkil etadi. Olingan natijalar faqatgina laboratoriya sharoitida erishilgan, agar hozirgi kunda Respublikamizdagi oltin saralash fabrikasida oltin - mishyak rudalari uchun, maqolada tavsiya qilingan tehnologik sxema joriy qilinsa oltinning boyitmaga ajralishini 90 % dan yuqoriroq va zararli qo‘shimchalar miqdorini pasaytirishga erishish mumkin.
The article deals with the development of a technological scheme of a phased technology of flotation of hard-to-rich and persistent gold-bearing ores. The results of laboratory tests of difficult-to-enrich gold-arsenic polymetallic ores of Uzbekistan deposits are substantiated. On the basis of the taken several crushed samples of different size, used in the enrichment by flotation method, without changing the reagent flow rate, the optimal technological scheme for the extraction of high-quality gold-containing concentrate. As a result of the laboratory work, a composition of unreacted useful components sent to the tails was obtained and more qualitative gold-containing concentrate was drained.The most acceptable result of the laboratory work was the enrichment of ore according to the selective scheme to obtain 45.38% g / t of gold, 3.97% arsenic, 23.83% sulfur, 4.74% alumina preserving enrichment, while the breakdown of gold for enrichment is 93.5%, and the breakdown of silver for enrichment as a satellite element-34.6%. The obtained results were achieved only in laboratory conditions, if at present the technological scheme recommended in the article for gold extraction ore is implemented at the gold recovery plant in our Republic, then it is possible to achieve the separation of gold for enrichment above 90% and reduce the number of harmful additives.
В статье рассматривается разработка технологической схемы поэтапной технологии флотации труднообогатимых и упорных золотосодержащих руд. Обоснованы результаты лабораторных испытаний труднообогатимых золото-мышьяковых полиметаллических руд месторождений Узбекистана. На основе взятых нескольких измельченных образцов различных по крупности, применяемых при обогащении флотационным методом, не меняя реагентного расхода,разработанаоптимальная технологическая схема по извлечению качественного золотосодержащего концентрата. В результате проведённых лабораторных работ получен состав из непрореагировавших полезных компонентов, направляемых в хвосты и более качественный золотосодержащий концентрат.Наиболее приемлемым результатом проведенных лабораторных работ стало обогащение руды по селективной схеме с получением 45,38% г/т золота, 3,97% мышьяка, 23,83% серы, 4,74% глинозема консервирующего обогащения, при этом доля золота при обогащении составляет 93,5%, а доля серебра при обогащение в качестве спутникового элемента–34,6%. Полученные результаты были достигнуты только в лабораторных условиях, если в настоящее время на золотоизвлекательной фабрике в нашей республике внедрена технологическая схема, рекомендованная в статье для золотоизвлекательной руды, то можно добиться разделения золота при обогащении выше 90% и снижения количества вредных добавок.
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