• Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 05-10-2020
  • Ўқишлар сони 394
  • Нашр санаси 05-04-2020
  • Мақола тилиO'zbek
  • Саҳифалар сони40-42
Калит сўзлар

The effects of the roots of the repeated crops and the residue of the weeds to the amount of the nutrients in the soil that damaged with irrigation erosion. This study highlights the fact that the repeated crops (bean, mung bean, chickpea, clover) that are sowed in the typical gray earth soil of Samarkand region that damaged with irrigation erosion leave nutrients such as nitrogen 47,0 -,70,7 kg, 14,6- 34,0 kg phosphorus, 35,6 -70,1 kg potassium per hectare, it increases the fertility of the soil as well as assists to get high harvest from winter wheat (63,8 – 67,3 c/ha) that are sowed after these crops.

Калит сўзлар
Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Xolmurzayev B.. таянч докторант (PhD) СамВМИ
2 Mo'minov K.. профессор СамВМИ
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