In the Republic, almonds are mainly concentrated in the foothill and mountain areas. The total area of natural almonds in the Republic is more than 19 thousand hectares. Almond beating, cultural innovations, and interbreeding are eliminated. Almonds are planted in autumn or early spring in a scheme of 8x8m on the ground and 6x6m (5x5m on the south slopes) in the mountains and foothills. Agrotechnical activities such as watering, fertilizing and shaping will be held in the young garden. The cost of building an almond tree will be fully covered and the net profit will be 14,352,000 sums in 5-6 years, with an average annual income of 18,000,000 sums.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Namozov J.. | ассистент | Ўрмон хўжалиги давлат қўмитаси |
2 | Yodgorov Z.. | мустақил изланувчи | Ўрмон хўжалиги давлат қўмитаси |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | 1. Юлдашов Я.Х. “Бодом. Уни лалмикор ерларда ўстириш”. “O’zbekiston qishloq xo’jaligi” журнали. 2005, №2, 28-бет. |
2 | 2. Юлдашов Я.Х. “Миндаль обыкновенный (amygdaluscommunis l). Его распространение и хозяйственное значение”. Мақола. Халқаро конференция материалларидан. Қирғизистон Республикаси, Джалал-Абад. 2008. |
3 | 3. Орехоплодовые в Узбекистане. Под редакцией члена-корреспондента ВАСХНИИЛ, доктора биологических наук Г.П.Озолина. Т. Изд. “Мехнат”, 1990 г. |