The article discusses the issue of the relevance of a foreign language in modern
society. In this regard, a foreign language is positioned as one of the priority disciplines, requiring a
non-standard approach to learning. Methods of problem-based learning are proposed as an effective
means of learning a foreign language in a non-linguistic university.
The article discusses the issue of the relevance of a foreign language in modern
society. In this regard, a foreign language is positioned as one of the priority disciplines, requiring a
non-standard approach to learning. Methods of problem-based learning are proposed as an effective
means of learning a foreign language in a non-linguistic university.
Статья затрагивает вопрос актуальности иностранного языка
в современном обществе. В связи с этим иностранный язык позиционируется, как одна из
приоритетных дисциплин, требующая нестандартного подхода при обучении. Методы
проблемного обучения предлагаются как эффективное средство обучения иностранному
языку в неязыковом вузе.
Maqolada zamonaviy jamiyatda xorijiy tilning dolzarbligi masalasi
muhokama qilinadi. Shu munosabat bilan, chet tilini o'rganish uchun nostandart yondoshishni
talab qiladigan ustuvor fanlardan biri sifatida qaraladi. Muammoli ta'lim usullari lisoniy
bo'lmagan oliy ta’limda chet tilini o'rganishning samarali vositasi sifatida qaraladi.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Xayitova D.B. |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | Gorbatova T.N., Rybushkina S.V. Use of the case method in teaching a foreign language as part of vocational language training in a non-linguistic university // Young Scientist. - 2015. - № 7. - P. 741–743. |
2 | |
3 | Sergeev I.S. How to organize the project activities of students: A practical guide for employees of educational institutions. - M .: ARKTI, 2005. –P.80. |
4 | Gorbatova T.N., Kudryashova A.V., Rybushkina S.V. Method of projects as a means of forming communicative mobility of students in teaching a foreign language // Young Scientist. - 2015. - № 6. - P.582. |