In the article named "the use of high-precision magnetometry in solving various scientific and production problems" the data of analysis of long-term observations of the geomagnetic field are presented, and the specialists engaged in magnetometric work are familiarized with the methods of high-precision magnetic surveys developed at the Institute of Seismology and some results of magnetometric work obtained at geodynamic testing sites in Uzbekistan. 

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 15-02-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 186
  • Нашр санаси 26-10-2020
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони158-165

In the article named "the use of high-precision magnetometry in solving various scientific and production problems" the data of analysis of long-term observations of the geomagnetic field are presented, and the specialists engaged in magnetometric work are familiarized with the methods of high-precision magnetic surveys developed at the Institute of Seismology and some results of magnetometric work obtained at geodynamic testing sites in Uzbekistan. 

Ҳавола номи
1 1. Abdullabekov K.N., Maksudov S.H., Tuichiev A.I., Muminov M.Y. Results of long-term studies of seismomagnetic effect in Uzbekistan. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Analysis, Forecasting and Management of Natural Risks in the Modern World GEORISK -2015". (Moscow, 14-15 October). Volume 1, P 433-439 (in Russian).
2 2. Abdullabekov K.N., Maksudov S.H. Variations in the geomagnetic field of seismic active areas.-Tashkent, Fan Publishing House, 1975. 128 p. (in Russian).
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6 6. Abdullabekov K.N., Muminov M.Yu., Shapiro V.A. Regional anomaly of electrical conductivity on high-precision magnetometry materials in Uzbekistan // Uzbek Geological Journal, 1986. No 4. P. 20-24 (in Russian).
7 7. Pyankov V.A., Feinberg E.B., Shapiro V.A. Geophysical prospecting method //A.p.819777, 1981 (in Russian).
8 8. Abdullabekov K.N., Maksudov S.H., Tuichiev A.I., Yusupov V.R. Use of high-precision magnetic prospecting for detection of low-intensity magnetic anomalies caused by ore, non-metallic zones, hydrocarbon-containing structures Problems of seismology, 2015. №12. P. 107-108 (in Russian).
9 9. Maksudov S.H., Tuichiev A.I., Kremnev I.G., Yusupov V.R. High-accuracy magnetic survey in Okzhetpesskoye ore field. Integration of Science and Practice as a Mechanism for Effective Development of the Geological Sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference August 19, 2016. P. 290-292 (in Russian).
10 10. Orlov V.P. Magnetic anomalies of a century's run in Central Asia, USSR Academy of Sciences, Ser.
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