In order to improve the economic performance of the company, the establishment of rational water use schemes and the reduction of the use of fresh water obtained from water supply systems or natural bodies of water can become an important factor. Water-cooling circulating systems, where cooling towers are used as cooling facilities, are the basis of rational water use systems. In water recycling systems that need stable water cooling at high specific hydraulic and thermal loads, cooling towers are used. By spraying water with nozzles or irrigation devices, the surface of water needed to cool it by contact with air is formed. A cooling tower is a heat exchange device for removing heat from various production processes to the environment by evaporating part of the water passing through it. The share of evaporated water usually does not exceed 1.5 %. Most of the cooling towers used were built 30 - 50 years ago. Almost all of these installations are morally and physically outdated. To consider the main criteria that should be guided with the choice of method for reconstruction of cooling towers to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their operation.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 22-02-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 350
  • Нашр санаси 26-10-2020
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони180-187

In order to improve the economic performance of the company, the establishment of rational water use schemes and the reduction of the use of fresh water obtained from water supply systems or natural bodies of water can become an important factor. Water-cooling circulating systems, where cooling towers are used as cooling facilities, are the basis of rational water use systems. In water recycling systems that need stable water cooling at high specific hydraulic and thermal loads, cooling towers are used. By spraying water with nozzles or irrigation devices, the surface of water needed to cool it by contact with air is formed. A cooling tower is a heat exchange device for removing heat from various production processes to the environment by evaporating part of the water passing through it. The share of evaporated water usually does not exceed 1.5 %. Most of the cooling towers used were built 30 - 50 years ago. Almost all of these installations are morally and physically outdated. To consider the main criteria that should be guided with the choice of method for reconstruction of cooling towers to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their operation.

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