Abstract.The article discusses the improved scientific and methodological foundations for predicting the technological indicators of the process of low temperature gas separation of the complex gas treatment plant, the methodology for optimizing the technological modes of operation of the low temperature gas separation plant. This technique is based on the use of a mathematical model and takes into account the possibility of controlling the technological parameters by the separation stages. A comprehensive study of the effectiveness of the process was carried out using modern achievements of applied physics and mathematics. The basis of the mathematical model is the equations describing the phase relationships in the system of separation of natural gas, material and heat balances. The principle of operation of separation processes is based on a change in the phase ratios of gas-condensate mixtures with a change in the parameters of the systems. A decrease in gas temperature at constant pressure is accompanied by the transition of part of the hydrocarbons into the liquid phase. In this case, the degree of condensation of the components is inversely proportional to the values ​​of their equilibrium constants. The effect of pressure on the degree of condensation, both of the mixture and of individual components, is ambiguous. It is caused by the dependence of the equilibrium constants of the natural gas components on pressure. The decrease in the efficiency of the low-temperature separation process is caused over time by the simultaneous influence of two natural factors: a lighter composition of the produced gas and an increase in the separation temperature, which must be predicted on the basis of the proposed method for calculating the technological parameters of the unit operation mode.


  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 10-03-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 245
  • Нашр санаси 20-11-2020
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони4-11

Abstract.The article discusses the improved scientific and methodological foundations for predicting the technological indicators of the process of low temperature gas separation of the complex gas treatment plant, the methodology for optimizing the technological modes of operation of the low temperature gas separation plant. This technique is based on the use of a mathematical model and takes into account the possibility of controlling the technological parameters by the separation stages. A comprehensive study of the effectiveness of the process was carried out using modern achievements of applied physics and mathematics. The basis of the mathematical model is the equations describing the phase relationships in the system of separation of natural gas, material and heat balances. The principle of operation of separation processes is based on a change in the phase ratios of gas-condensate mixtures with a change in the parameters of the systems. A decrease in gas temperature at constant pressure is accompanied by the transition of part of the hydrocarbons into the liquid phase. In this case, the degree of condensation of the components is inversely proportional to the values ​​of their equilibrium constants. The effect of pressure on the degree of condensation, both of the mixture and of individual components, is ambiguous. It is caused by the dependence of the equilibrium constants of the natural gas components on pressure. The decrease in the efficiency of the low-temperature separation process is caused over time by the simultaneous influence of two natural factors: a lighter composition of the produced gas and an increase in the separation temperature, which must be predicted on the basis of the proposed method for calculating the technological parameters of the unit operation mode.


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