A heliotechnical system for electrostatic field acquisition and an optoelectronic source with an autonomous form of non-volatile optical light were created in this paper. The system depends on the turning of infrared radiation into a light hue. The equation method for practical signal converters in the unit is also seen in the optron direct link schemes and the operating principles of the other developed schemes. It is also mentioned that new types of solar optoelectronic devices are the main advantages of solar optoelectronics, the interaction of light and the light receivers that serve as its elements, the conversion of electrical and optical signals and the use of sunlight as a light source in semiconductor solar technology. Theoretical requirements for the manufacture of high-performance generator-type photodetectors (HGTP) are specified, namely: maximum operating time, device design meets optimal parameters, p-p - transition recombination, photon energy hυ˂ΔΕ should be approximately 1.5÷1.6 eV. In the proposed device, the light source in the circuit and the power source in the light receiver are based on solar energy, allowing remote contactless control of the optoelectronic device, which indicates that the sensitivity of the device is several times higher.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 06-05-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 192
  • Нашр санаси 20-11-2020
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони175-180

A heliotechnical system for electrostatic field acquisition and an optoelectronic source with an autonomous form of non-volatile optical light were created in this paper. The system depends on the turning of infrared radiation into a light hue. The equation method for practical signal converters in the unit is also seen in the optron direct link schemes and the operating principles of the other developed schemes. It is also mentioned that new types of solar optoelectronic devices are the main advantages of solar optoelectronics, the interaction of light and the light receivers that serve as its elements, the conversion of electrical and optical signals and the use of sunlight as a light source in semiconductor solar technology. Theoretical requirements for the manufacture of high-performance generator-type photodetectors (HGTP) are specified, namely: maximum operating time, device design meets optimal parameters, p-p - transition recombination, photon energy hυ˂ΔΕ should be approximately 1.5÷1.6 eV. In the proposed device, the light source in the circuit and the power source in the light receiver are based on solar energy, allowing remote contactless control of the optoelectronic device, which indicates that the sensitivity of the device is several times higher.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Naymanbaev P..
2 Akhunov K.K.
Ҳавола номи
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