There are cases of change in values during the process of exposure and distribution of electric current when the voltage in the autotransformer changes. Therefore, we study the distribution and characteristics of the current in the lattice homogeneous mode. It is important to study the effect of electric current on autotransformers in the process of studying the losses generated in them, as well as in transient processes. For example, we studied various parameters in autotransformers in the objects and the research had a positive effect. The study of the current distribution characteristics of the autotransformer when operating in a grid-like mode reveals the directions of the currents in the windings on the volt-ampere characteristic. When studying the connections in a conductor under the influence of magnetism, it is possible to solve a number of problems, taking into account the occurrence of losses under the influence of the axis of rotation of the current, and their reduction. The main purpose of this scientific work is to help us identify some of the critical information we need by studying the processes that take place in different modes of currents. This article has the explanations through diagrams. In each circuit you can see the variation of the autotransformers relative to the current. If we look at the scientific basis, the increase in electric current indicates the duration of the insulation, ie. the rapid failure of work. The study and analysis of magnetic bonds, resistances and losses of windings in autotransformers have a great practical importance.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Pirmatov N.B. | Professor | TDTU |
2 | Shaulemetov T.U. | Doktarant | TDTU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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