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  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 19-07-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 343
  • Нашр санаси 27-03-2021
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони217-223
Калит сўзлар

One of the important issues in customs practice is to improve the classification criteria on the basis of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (CN FEA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, based on the characteristics of the newly modified vehicles. To date, one of the most pressing issues in foreign economic activity (FEA) is the automation of  physical and electronic data on goods movement (s) in the customs procedures of import and export, the classification of the vehicle parameters imported and exported to the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the course of our research, the system has been developed on the basis of 4-stage goods classification methods  for customs purposes of passenger cars. In the field of customs,as well as in the electronic declaration of light vehicles, its two-way, that is, a set of technical characteristics and the necessary and primary data for customs purposes, forming a product description, which are inextricably linked and it serves as a primary source in customs procedures. Ensuring the reliability of the light vehicle characteristics, the search for data from quantitative and qualitative sources in the assessment, in the process of collecting them, the values obtained may differ from the real ones. The algorithm for primary data reliability increase in the brand description classification is an important criterion.

The algorithm for primary data reliability increase is presented in the classification system of product descriptions. In order to ensure the reliability of the light vehicle characteristics, the search for data from quantitative and qualitative sources in the assessment, in the collection process, there is information that the values obtained may differ from the real ones. In addition to systematic, random errors, the study examined factors that affect the primary data reliability by falsifying data. Also, in the electronic declaration of light vehicles, a two-way classification system, comprising technical characteristics and necessary primary data for customs purposes, its model, the algorithm for  primary data reliability increase in column 31 of the customs cargo declaration has been developed

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Sevinov J.U. Professor TDTU
2 Khamroev U.R. Assistant Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee Republic of Uzbekistan
3 Nashvandova G.M. O'qituvchi TDTU
Ҳавола номи
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