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  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 23-07-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 202
  • Нашр санаси 27-03-2021
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони255-263
Калит сўзлар

This article reveals the possibility of testing the results obtained by the special FLUIDSIM-H program on the experimental test bench of leaf springs of a LABO small domestic truck. The loading system of the experimental test bench for the study of the leaf springs of the small truck capacity is based on the principle of step-by-step loading of the tested leaf spring with a hydraulic drive. By registering the deformation of the test object, the stresses in the various cross-sections of the deformed parts are determined. The exact parameters of the hydraulic devices required for the test bench are given. In addition, it describes in detail the general information about this program used in the design of hydraulic systems, methods for the correct selection of elements necessary for the design and development of the test bench, in particular, the hydraulic system. In the experimental study, when choosing the parameters of the unit or unit, it was assumed that cars with a load capacity of 0.5 to 3.0 tons have a maximum load of 55 kN based on real conditions, in order to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of their springs and assess their performance. The performance of the remaining elements was selected based on this value. The schematic diagram of the experimental test bench for assessing the purity of the springs of the small truck "LABO" was developed using the method of sequential connection of the corresponding elements necessary for the design of the stand device. The problem of evaluating the reliability of the obtained results is also solved analytically and the results are compared. The calculation of the hydraulic system check is determined by the principle of operation of the equipment. Since it is not possible to select the pump, hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor that provide the values of the main parameters of the hydraulic system, the difference between the actual values of the selected system parameters was investigated. On the basis of research for experimental test bench of springs was selected as the hydraulic units and hydraulic fluid. On the basis of the selected hydraulic units, a stand for experimental studies of small truck springs was developed.

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