This article is about the latest research it was found out that children acquire
language much more easily at their infant age. By perception and listening they learn the language
naturally. Already the small babies and toddlers who are exposed to everyday contact with second
language acquire the language automatically. When the children moreover have the chance to read
books or magazines for infants, they become familiar with the written form of the language and have
no problem to deal with texts and letters later at school.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 20-11-2021
  • Ўқишлар сони 94
  • Нашр санаси 06-11-2021
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони315-321


This article is about the latest research it was found out that children acquire
language much more easily at their infant age. By perception and listening they learn the language
naturally. Already the small babies and toddlers who are exposed to everyday contact with second
language acquire the language automatically. When the children moreover have the chance to read
books or magazines for infants, they become familiar with the written form of the language and have
no problem to deal with texts and letters later at school.



Эта статья посвящена последнему исследованию, в ходе которого  выяснилось, что дети гораздо легче усваивают язык в младенческом возрасте. Через
восприятие и слушание они учат язык естественным образом. Уже маленькие дети и
малыши, которые подвергаются ежедневному контакту со вторым языком, приобретают
язык автоматически. Кроме того, когда дети имеют возможность читать книги или
журналы для младенцев, они знакомятся с письменной формой языка и не имеют проблем
с тем, чтобы иметь дело с текстами и письмами позже в школе.



Ushbu maqola bolalarga kichik yoshdan boshlab tilni osonroq o'rgatish
hususidagi so’ngi izlanishlar to’g’risidadir. Idrok va tinglash orqali ular tilni tabiiy ravishda
o'rganadilar. Allaqachon ikkinchi til bilan kundalik aloqada bo'lgan kichkintoylar va o'spirinlar
avtomatik ravishda tilni tez o'zlashtiradilar. Bundan tashqari, bolalar chaqaloqlar uchun kitoblar
yoki jurnallarni o'qish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lganda, ular tilning yozma shakli bilan tanishadilar va
keyinchalik maktabda matnlar va harflar bilan shug'ullanishda muammo bo'lmaydi

Ҳавола номи
1 Penny Ur “A course in language teaching” - Cambridge University Press, 1991. 288 p.
2 Phillips S. “Young Learners” – Oxford University Press, 1993. - 38
3 Bim I.L. “Methods of teaching a foreign language at school”: Textbook. –M .: Enlightenment,2003. –159 с.
4 Brumft C. “Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching”. –Cambridge University Press, 1992. –166 p.
5 http://www.syl.com/articles/teachinginfantssupercharginglanguageacquisition.