• Internet ҳавола
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2018-1-3
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 06-11-2019
  • Ўқишлар сони 251
  • Нашр санаси 01-02-2018
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони33-42
Калит сўзлар

The main idea "globalization" - universal sphere (in Latin "globus", french "global" - universal) which arose as "population, society" in Hecataeus of Miletus's word to community in the time of Oykumens, started as "communion, unity" bearing a meaning of world domination intention by the Roman Empire and Alexander of Macedon and was resident in all development phases of history had been extending and deepening its essence on and off, now it is appealing geopolitical life, public opinion, economic innovations sphere as well as moral sector - multifaceted, synthetic-oriented culture, holistically from philosophical morality to world knowledge. In a globalisation phase foundation of the communications theory in the USA, scientific development of the theory by Harold Adams Innis, then the cultural programme systemised by the activity of Roman Club have been intending a boundless globe in the political, economic and cultural spheres of "New World Order" process globally approximately in a great scale of 100 years, the second decades of XX century up to now, therefore the critical factor is certainly a dialogue in a broad sense - pooling of "others" in the concept "us". In a phase of globalization succession of I. Gender and O. Spengler's so-called "us, them and others" practical enlightenment from its origin, thus dialogue of axiological factors, unity life philosophy in all contexts flow that is observed via strong communications based on the idea "global unity". So, while cultural policy pursued in a globalization phase focus on combining national moral traditions all around the world with universal values - pursuing unique cultural "policy", it stands on multiculturalism and applies its principles. It goes without saying that cultural dialogue which is a fundamental idea of multiculturalism emanated from the theory "philosophical dialogue". It implies that general conjunction of "me - monolog" with "you - them", in the broad sense cultural and synthetic art combined of humankind, people-nation involved in multinational population, dialogue-oriented relations system of ethnic unities under one umbrella are a component of this philosophical theory and its organic part as well. This problem is studied and evaluated in the article "Scientific - methodological aspects for application of multiculturalism to "Philosophy of dialogue"

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