The purpose of this project is to strengthen the slurry mixing efficiency and
improve the separation effect, reveal the heterogeneous bubble nucleation mechanism model
on the mineral surface, clarify the merger mechanism of micro-nano bubbles at the adjacent interface and the evolution law of bubble groups, explore the hydrophobic coupling and regulation mechanism between micro-nano bubbles at the interface and the mineral surface, and open up a new path for the formation of efficient and environmental friendly flotation slurry mixing means. Froth flotation is an important method for the beneficiation of copper ores, while the traditional stirring is limited in treating fine minerals. The interfacial micro/nano bubble groups induced by heterogeneous bubble nucleation have hasa variety of advantageous characteristics of high selectivity, easily adjustability, bridging particles, and low energy consumption, which can be applied for the selective regulation of mineral hydrophobicity, during pulp conditioning. In this project, the representative porphyry copper ores in China and Uzbekistan was chosen as the research object, control of heterogeneous bubble nucleation by flow pressure drop was adopted as the main idea, using "revealing the mechanism of single bubble growth and bubble group evolution on the mineral surface, developing mineral interface control technology, and developing flotation slurry conditioning equipment" as the technical route, to achieve the research target of reducing the flotation reagent dosage and improving the mineral separation efficiency.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 08-09-2022
  • Ўқишлар сони 194
  • Нашр санаси 30-08-2022
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони225-232

The purpose of this project is to strengthen the slurry mixing efficiency and
improve the separation effect, reveal the heterogeneous bubble nucleation mechanism model
on the mineral surface, clarify the merger mechanism of micro-nano bubbles at the adjacent interface and the evolution law of bubble groups, explore the hydrophobic coupling and regulation mechanism between micro-nano bubbles at the interface and the mineral surface, and open up a new path for the formation of efficient and environmental friendly flotation slurry mixing means. Froth flotation is an important method for the beneficiation of copper ores, while the traditional stirring is limited in treating fine minerals. The interfacial micro/nano bubble groups induced by heterogeneous bubble nucleation have hasa variety of advantageous characteristics of high selectivity, easily adjustability, bridging particles, and low energy consumption, which can be applied for the selective regulation of mineral hydrophobicity, during pulp conditioning. In this project, the representative porphyry copper ores in China and Uzbekistan was chosen as the research object, control of heterogeneous bubble nucleation by flow pressure drop was adopted as the main idea, using "revealing the mechanism of single bubble growth and bubble group evolution on the mineral surface, developing mineral interface control technology, and developing flotation slurry conditioning equipment" as the technical route, to achieve the research target of reducing the flotation reagent dosage and improving the mineral separation efficiency.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Matkarimov S.T. teacher TSTU
2 Yang S.. teacher Wuhan University of Technology
3 Yavkochiva D.O. teacher TSTU
4 Yuldasheva N.S. teacher TSTU
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