The article provides specific scientific and practical results for the development of fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and certain trace elements necessary for agricultural needs in the Republic, increasing the volume of competitive products and expanding their range, as well as data on the synthesis of water-soluble biologically active compounds of ferrocene derivatives and their basis obtaining liquid fertilizers containing trace elements

In addition, biostimulant properties of new liquid nitrogen fertilizers obtained basis on water-soluble salts of CAS and ferrocene derivatives were determined in field practice in the tests carried out in the growth and development of grain and wheat plants, as well as the optimal standards for the application of new liquid nitrogen fertilizers for these plants. According to the results of the phenological observation in 2019-2021, the fact that along with the physiological processes in the plant treated with liquid fertilizer "Farben-potassium", biochemical processes were also optimal, the results of field tests carried out by additional feeding of liquid nitrogen fertilizers through the leaf of wheat and hemp plants. In addition, the resistance of the plant to harmful insects has increased, and the results of field tests conducted by additional feeding of liquid nitrogen fertilizers through the leaves of wheat and cotton plants have been cited.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI10.56292/SJFSU/vol28_iss5/a57
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 14-12-2022
  • Ўқишлар сони 353
  • Нашр санаси 05-12-2022
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони277-280

Maqolada respublikamizda qishloq xoʼjaligi ehtiyojlari uchun zarur boʼlgan, raqobatbardosh mahsulotlar hajmini oshirish va ularning assortimentini kengaytirish, jumladan, azot, fosfor, kaliy va ayrim mikroelementlar tutgan oʼgʼitlar ishlab chiqish boʼyicha muayyan ilmiy va amaliy natijalar hamda, ferrotsen hosilalarining suvda eruvchan biologik faol birikmalarini sintez qilish va ular asosida tarkibida oʼsimliklarning oʼsib rivojlanishida muhim oʼrin tutuvchi mikroelementlar saqlovchi suyuq oʼgʼitlar olish boʼyicha ma’lumotlar keltirib o‘tilgan. Bundan tashqari KАS va ferrotsen hosilalarini suvda eruvchan tuzlari asosida olingan yangi suyuq azotli oʼgʼitlarining biostimulyatorlik xossalari dala amaliyotida gʼoʼza va bugʼdoy  oʼsimliklarining oʼsishi va rivojlanishida otkazilgan sinovlari hamda ushbu oʼsimliklar uchun yangi suyuq azotli oʼgʼitlarning qoʼllashning  maqbul meʼyorlari aniqlandi. 2019-2021 yillardagi fenologik kuzatuv natijalariga koʼra “Ferben-kaliy” suyuq oʼgʼiti bilan ishlov berilgan oʼsimlikdagi fiziologik jarayonlar bilan birga biokimyoviy jarayonlar ham maqbullashganligi, “Ferben-kaliy” suyuq oʼgʼiti tarkibidagi mikroelementlar va oʼsimlik bargida azot, fosfor va kaliy miqdorini ortishi tufayli hosildorlikni oshirishdan tashqari oʼsimlikni zararkunanda hasharotlarga chidamliligini ham kuchayganligi, suyuq azotli o‘g‘itlarning bug‘doy va g‘o‘za o‘simliklarining bargi orqali qo‘shimcha oziqlantirish orqali o‘tkazilgan dala sinovlari natijalari keltirib o‘tilgan.


В статье приведены конкретные научно-практические результаты по разработке удобрений, содержащих азот, фосфор, калий и некоторые микроэлементы, необходимые для нужд сельского хозяйства в республике, увеличения объема конкурентоспособной продукции и расширения их ассортимента, а также данные по синтезу водорастворимых биологически активных соединений производных ферроцена и их основы с получением жидких удобрений, содержащих микроэлементы. Кроме того, биостимулирующие свойства новых жидких азотных удобрений, полученных на основе водорастворимых солей КАС и производных ферроцена, были определены в полевой практике испытаниями, проведенными при росте и развитии растений зерновых и пшеницы, а также оптимальными нормами внесения новых жидких азотных удобрений для этих целей. растения. По результатам фенологического наблюдения в 2019-2021 годах о том, что наряду с физиологическими процессами в растении, обработанном жидким удобрением “Фербен-калий”, биохимические процессы также были оптимальными, свидетельствуют результаты полевых испытаний, проведенных путем дополнительной подкормки жидкими азотными удобрениями через лист пшеницы и конопли растения. Кроме того, повысилась устойчивость растения к вредным насекомым, приведены результаты полевых испытаний, проведенных путем дополнительной подкормки жидкими азотными удобрениями через листья растений пшеницы и хлопчатника.


The article provides specific scientific and practical results for the development of fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and certain trace elements necessary for agricultural needs in the Republic, increasing the volume of competitive products and expanding their range, as well as data on the synthesis of water-soluble biologically active compounds of ferrocene derivatives and their basis obtaining liquid fertilizers containing trace elements

In addition, biostimulant properties of new liquid nitrogen fertilizers obtained basis on water-soluble salts of CAS and ferrocene derivatives were determined in field practice in the tests carried out in the growth and development of grain and wheat plants, as well as the optimal standards for the application of new liquid nitrogen fertilizers for these plants. According to the results of the phenological observation in 2019-2021, the fact that along with the physiological processes in the plant treated with liquid fertilizer "Farben-potassium", biochemical processes were also optimal, the results of field tests carried out by additional feeding of liquid nitrogen fertilizers through the leaf of wheat and hemp plants. In addition, the resistance of the plant to harmful insects has increased, and the results of field tests conducted by additional feeding of liquid nitrogen fertilizers through the leaves of wheat and cotton plants have been cited.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Askarov I.R. 1 Andijan State University
2 Khozhimatova D.S. 2 Andijan State University
Ҳавола номи
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