The purpose of article is to investigate an electromagnetic field and effective potential of charged and test particles in the vicinity of axial-symmetric black holes immersed in an external magnetic field and energy extraction around of axial-symmetric black holes in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spectime by using Penrose process. So far, it has been very essential to reveal the roperties of jets coming from compact objects (radiation of quasars). Recently, a charged particle motion and a process of energy extraction around Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes has been imnvestigated by several authors with the help of penrose process. In our dissertation, we apply Penrose prosess to the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime and analyse results

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 18-01-2023
  • Ўқишлар сони 197
  • Нашр санаси 10-12-2020
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони20-25

Maqolaning asosiy maqsadi tashqi magnit maydonda joylashgan aksial-simmetrik qora o’ralar atrofidagi elektromagnit maydonlarni hamda zaryadli va sinov zarralar harakatida zarralar effiktiv potensiallarining qanday o’zgarishini o’rganish vashu bilan bir qatorda aksial-simmetrik qora o’ralardan enegiya ajralishining Penrose mexanizmi yordamida Kerr-Taub-NUT metrikasi misolida ko’rib chiqishdan iborat. Chunki, hozirgi kunda koinotda kuzatilayotgan kuchli nurlanishlar (masalan kvazarlar) tabiatini nazariy yoritib berish fizikaning dolzarb muammolaridan biri hisoblanadi. So’ngi vaqtlarda, bir qancha olimlar tomonidan Kerr va Kerr-Newman metrikalarida qora o’ralar atrofidagi zarralar harakati va energiya ajralishi jarayonlari taklif qilingan Penrose maxanizmi yordamida o’rganilgan. Bu jarayonlarni Kerr-Taub-NUT metrikasida qarab chiqamiz va taxlil qilamiz


Целью статьи является исследование электромагнитного поля и эффективного потенциала заряженных и тестовых частиц в окрестностях аксиальносимметричных черных дыр, погруженных во внешнее магнитное поле, и выделение энергии в окрестностях аксиально-симметричных черных дыр в спечификации Керр-Тауба-Нута с использованием процесса Пенроуз. До сих пор было очень важно выявить свойства струй, исходящих от компактных объектов (излучение квазаров). В последнее время с помощью процесса Пенроуз несколькими авторами было проведено исследование заряженного движения частиц и процесса извлечения энергии вокруг черных дыр Керра и Керр-Ньюмана. В нашей диссертации мы применяем метод Penrose к пространственному времени Керр-Тауба-Ньюмана и анализируем результаты.



The purpose of article is to investigate an electromagnetic field and effective potential of charged and test particles in the vicinity of axial-symmetric black holes immersed in an external magnetic field and energy extraction around of axial-symmetric black holes in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spectime by using Penrose process. So far, it has been very essential to reveal the roperties of jets coming from compact objects (radiation of quasars). Recently, a charged particle motion and a process of energy extraction around Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes has been imnvestigated by several authors with the help of penrose process. In our dissertation, we apply Penrose prosess to the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime and analyse results

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Xudoyberdieva M.K. 1-Course base doktoral student National University of Uzbekistan
2 Juraeva N.B. 1-Course base doktoral student Astronomical Institute named of Ulughbeg
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