Annotation: The article provides information on the extraterrestrial characteristics of bulls of various production types of the Simmental breed. When the extraterrestrial properties of dairy milk -meat, meat- milk type Bulls, stored and fed in homogeneous conditions, were studied, meat-milk type Bulls of Group II showed an advantage over milk-meat type equines of Group I
Аннотация: В статье приведены данные по изучению экстерьерных особенностей бычков симментальской породы разных производственных типов. При изучении экстерьерных показателей бычков симментальской породы установлено преимущество бычков мясо-молочного типа I группы над сверстниками молочно- мясного типа телосложения II группы.
Annotation: The article provides information on the extraterrestrial characteristics of bulls of various production types of the Simmental breed. When the extraterrestrial properties of dairy milk -meat, meat- milk type Bulls, stored and fed in homogeneous conditions, were studied, meat-milk type Bulls of Group II showed an advantage over milk-meat type equines of Group I
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Sadikova C.S. | tayanch doktorant | Samarqand davlat veterinariya medisinasi, chorvachilik va biotexnologiyalar universiteti |
2 | Amirov S.K. | q.x.f.n., dosent, ilmiy rahbar | Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti, Samarqand filiali |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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