Gas or gas condensate fields (GCF) are a complex structure consisting of a large
number of elements interacting with each other and with the external environment at different
levels, and this interaction is often indefinite. These elements (objects) are usually multifunctional,
for example, a collection system, where the connections are of a variable nature, providing a multimode nature of functioning. The listed features are typical for complex or large systems, the
design, analysis, research and management of which are possible only on the basis of a systematic
approach. There is the principle of "integrity", according to which large systems cannot be studied
accurately from a single model. Therefore, a multilevel (hierarchical) description is necessary, and
the choice of the level is determined by the purpose of the study. A multilevel description assumes
the use of various mathematical methods, each of which is adequate to the behavior of the system
at the studied level. The article discusses the following periods of development of natural gas
fields: 1- increasing production, 2- constant production, 3- declining production. Methodical
approach to solving the problems of designing a field gas treatment system during the operation of
a gas condensate field. Process at the booster compressor station under various technological
operating modes.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 11-09-2023
  • Ўқишлар сони 122
  • Нашр санаси 11-09-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони74-79

Gas or gas condensate fields (GCF) are a complex structure consisting of a large
number of elements interacting with each other and with the external environment at different
levels, and this interaction is often indefinite. These elements (objects) are usually multifunctional,
for example, a collection system, where the connections are of a variable nature, providing a multimode nature of functioning. The listed features are typical for complex or large systems, the
design, analysis, research and management of which are possible only on the basis of a systematic
approach. There is the principle of "integrity", according to which large systems cannot be studied
accurately from a single model. Therefore, a multilevel (hierarchical) description is necessary, and
the choice of the level is determined by the purpose of the study. A multilevel description assumes
the use of various mathematical methods, each of which is adequate to the behavior of the system
at the studied level. The article discusses the following periods of development of natural gas
fields: 1- increasing production, 2- constant production, 3- declining production. Methodical
approach to solving the problems of designing a field gas treatment system during the operation of
a gas condensate field. Process at the booster compressor station under various technological
operating modes.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
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2 Li A.. employee АО «O’ZLITINEFTGAZ»
3 Shomutalov D.. employee АО «O’ZLITINEFTGAZ»
4 Abdurakhimov K.. employee АО «O’ZLITINEFTGAZ»
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