This article talks about the important changes taking place in the textile industry,
scientific research, introduction of innovative ideas and implementation of scientific innovations in the
field. Also, based on the requirements of the standard, it was noted that high-quality textile fire-resistant
fabric was obtained in accordance with the technical conditions of the standard requirements, and the
physical and mechanical properties of the gas were studied. also, in order to achieve the desired goal,
it was possible to obtain threads with a mixture of chrysotile and cotton fibers in different percentages,
the physical and mechanical properties of the produced threads were improved, and the assortment of
threads was increased. The effective use of chrysotile and cotton fibers depends on the season of
collection of fibers, its processing, and the produced yarns allow the production of fire-resistant fabric
of mixed composition and are suitable for special clothing of firefighters. and primarily provides safety
and breathing for the employee. A lot of research and research has been done on chrysotile and cotton
fiber processing and yarn production, but the work carried out to date shows that the research carried
out is not sufficiently grounded in theory and practice. Its hardness, low water permeability, air
permeability, and hygienic properties are important for the production of chrysotile and cotton gauze.
In the process of using the fabric, it is necessary to embody the above-mentioned features.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 26-12-2023
  • Ўқишлар сони 195
  • Нашр санаси 25-12-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони26-33

This article talks about the important changes taking place in the textile industry,
scientific research, introduction of innovative ideas and implementation of scientific innovations in the
field. Also, based on the requirements of the standard, it was noted that high-quality textile fire-resistant
fabric was obtained in accordance with the technical conditions of the standard requirements, and the
physical and mechanical properties of the gas were studied. also, in order to achieve the desired goal,
it was possible to obtain threads with a mixture of chrysotile and cotton fibers in different percentages,
the physical and mechanical properties of the produced threads were improved, and the assortment of
threads was increased. The effective use of chrysotile and cotton fibers depends on the season of
collection of fibers, its processing, and the produced yarns allow the production of fire-resistant fabric
of mixed composition and are suitable for special clothing of firefighters. and primarily provides safety
and breathing for the employee. A lot of research and research has been done on chrysotile and cotton
fiber processing and yarn production, but the work carried out to date shows that the research carried
out is not sufficiently grounded in theory and practice. Its hardness, low water permeability, air
permeability, and hygienic properties are important for the production of chrysotile and cotton gauze.
In the process of using the fabric, it is necessary to embody the above-mentioned features.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 QASIMOV A.A. teacher , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute
Ҳавола номи
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