The West and the East is an eternal opposition. If the East was represented in a number of historical researches as the area of general prosperity, erudition and enlightenment, or it was accented in the spirit of stagnation, slavery and poverty; that on the other hand the developed superiority of the West in the XIX and XX centuries in the technical and economic and strategic terms generated the illusion of the "inferiority" of the Eastern world in the minds of the certain circle of the European intellectuals that grants them the right of familiarizing the "inert" East to the benefits of civilization. Especially the view of the separate western and not only the western politicians unconvincingly represents that the eastern type of civilization, especially Muslim's, during contacts with other civilizations and cultures finds the imperial tendencies to other sociocultural societies. This article discusses some aspects of the approach to preIslamic cultural heritage in the history of the spiritual quest of the Turkic peoples. There has been given comparative data analysis of the relationships of various ethnic cultures of their spiritual heritage. It has emphasized that respect for cultural heritage is a sign of civilization

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI10.26739/2181-9505-2019-1-12
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 14-11-2019
  • Ўқишлар сони 216
  • Нашр санаси 13-11-2019
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони119-129

The West and the East is an eternal opposition. If the East was represented in a number of historical researches as the area of general prosperity, erudition and enlightenment, or it was accented in the spirit of stagnation, slavery and poverty; that on the other hand the developed superiority of the West in the XIX and XX centuries in the technical and economic and strategic terms generated the illusion of the "inferiority" of the Eastern world in the minds of the certain circle of the European intellectuals that grants them the right of familiarizing the "inert" East to the benefits of civilization. Especially the view of the separate western and not only the western politicians unconvincingly represents that the eastern type of civilization, especially Muslim's, during contacts with other civilizations and cultures finds the imperial tendencies to other sociocultural societies. This article discusses some aspects of the approach to preIslamic cultural heritage in the history of the spiritual quest of the Turkic peoples. There has been given comparative data analysis of the relationships of various ethnic cultures of their spiritual heritage. It has emphasized that respect for cultural heritage is a sign of civilization


G'arb va Sharq abadiy muxolifatdir. Agar Sharq umumiy taraqqiyot, ta'lim va maorif sohasi sifatida bir qator tarixiy tadqiqotlarda namoyon bo'lganda yoki u turg'unlik, qullik va qashshoqlik ruhida aks ettirilgan bo'lsa; XIX va XX asrlarda G'arbning rivojlangan ustunligi, texnik va iqtisodiy va strategik ma'noda, Sharqiy olamning "kamligi" ning illyosini Yevropa intellektuallari muayyan doirasidan tashqarida, ular "inert" Sharqni tsivilizatsiya foydalariga tanishtirish huquqiga ega. Ayniqsa G'arb va alohida g'arb siyosatchilari nuqtai nazaridan g'arazgo'ylik bilan sharq tsivilizatsiyasi, xususan, musulmonlar boshqa sivilizatsiyalar va madaniyatlar bilan aloqalar davrida boshqa sotsial-madaniy jamiyatlarga imperiyalik tendentsiyalarni topadi. Ushbu maqolada turkiy xalqlarning ma'naviy izlanishlari tarixidagi islom madaniyati merosiga yondashishning ba'zi jihatlari ko'rib chiqilgan. Turli etnik madaniyatlarning ma'naviy merosidagi munosabatlarga nisbatan qiyosiy ma'lumotlar tahlili o'tkazildi. Madaniy merosga bo'lgan hurmat tsivilizatsiya belgisi ekanligini ta'kidladi. Qazoq xalqining madaniy merosiga turli xil salbiy munosabatlarning tanqidiy tahlillari (Eurocentrism, ethnonihilism, specificism, fundamentalizm, passeizm va boshqalar).


Запад и Восток - это вечная оппозиция. Если Восток быт частью страны общего процветания, эрудиции и просвещения, или он был акцентирован в духе застоя, рабства и бедности; что подавляющее бодынинство европейских интеллектуалов дарует неполноценность "неполноценности" восточного мира в XIX и XX веках. "Инертный" Восток на благо цивилизации. Особенно западные политики пеубедительпо представляют восточный тип цивилизации, особенно в мусульманском мире, в то время как другие культуры и культуры обнаруживают имперские тенденции других социокультурных обществ. В данной статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты доисламского культурного наследия тюркских народов. Существует сочетание разных этнических кугьтур их духовного наследия. Oн подчеркнут, что культурное наследие является признаком цивилизации. (Евроцептризм, этнонихилизм, партикутизм, фундаментализм, лженаука и др.).


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