In this article, research work is carried out aimed at developing innovative
methods and technologies that ensure the effective use of the achievements of modern science, as
well as improving existing ones. In this regard, the development of the scientific foundations of the
technology of sewing and sewing-knitting production, determining the parameters that influence the
product in the technological process and their optimal indicators, as well as expanding the range
of competitive sportswear, increasing the efficiency of using available raw materials for sewing and
knitting production. One of the urgent tasks today is to pay special attention to methods for
improving the technology of sewing rhythmic gymnastics costumes for female athletes, based on
ensuring the quality of clothing, which is considered important. A sports suit for rhythmic
gymnastics should consist of a set of suits that will attract the attention of spectators and judges.
When choosing a uniform, it is necessary to take into account not only the needs of the athlete, but
also his figure and performance on stage. Gymnastics clothing is also required to match the sounds
of the music during the performance. The fact that a tracksuit is expensive, the seams quickly lose
shape and threads break, the quality and strength of the seams when attaching clothing parts, the
impact on the dress of various forces that can arise during movement. girls. At the same time, the
strength of the seam, the tension-strain effect of the sewing thread and needle, the types of fabric
used for sewing clothes, and the mathematical model of the force acting on it are determined, as
well as information about the values of the coefficients determined as a result of the actions are

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 26-12-2023
  • Ўқишлар сони 209
  • Нашр санаси 25-12-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони70-75

In this article, research work is carried out aimed at developing innovative
methods and technologies that ensure the effective use of the achievements of modern science, as
well as improving existing ones. In this regard, the development of the scientific foundations of the
technology of sewing and sewing-knitting production, determining the parameters that influence the
product in the technological process and their optimal indicators, as well as expanding the range
of competitive sportswear, increasing the efficiency of using available raw materials for sewing and
knitting production. One of the urgent tasks today is to pay special attention to methods for
improving the technology of sewing rhythmic gymnastics costumes for female athletes, based on
ensuring the quality of clothing, which is considered important. A sports suit for rhythmic
gymnastics should consist of a set of suits that will attract the attention of spectators and judges.
When choosing a uniform, it is necessary to take into account not only the needs of the athlete, but
also his figure and performance on stage. Gymnastics clothing is also required to match the sounds
of the music during the performance. The fact that a tracksuit is expensive, the seams quickly lose
shape and threads break, the quality and strength of the seams when attaching clothing parts, the
impact on the dress of various forces that can arise during movement. girls. At the same time, the
strength of the seam, the tension-strain effect of the sewing thread and needle, the types of fabric
used for sewing clothes, and the mathematical model of the force acting on it are determined, as
well as information about the values of the coefficients determined as a result of the actions are

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