The textile industry is the most important sector of the national economy, and the
production of soft, high-quality fabrics from environmentally friendly non-woven threads of the same
composition as from natural fibers remains one of the pressing problems. In this article we will talk
about various raw materials, namely, non-woven threads made from cotton fiber, non-woven threads
made from wool, non-woven threads made from silk threads of cocoon worm, finished fabrics, knitwear,
necessary products for other sectors of the national economy, such as towels, soft underwear
underwear, baby wraps, socks, fluffy warm headwear that retain heat are also made from medical grade
materials. It is possible to provide various sectors of the national economy with inexpensive products
made from high-quality natural fibers. Using least squares methods in mathematics, deformation forces,
bends, velocities assigned to non-slip threads obtained from natural fibers in technological processes,
work was determined to take into account the nature of the coagulation of threads and calculate the
stabilization of the dynamic process in the threads through them, as well as to calculate Hola taking
into account the elastic properties of fabrics. When managing quality, conclusions are drawn about the
quality of laboratory analyzers and the use of these analyzers. Information on the effectiveness of the
use of information technologies is provided.
The textile industry is the most important sector of the national economy, and the
production of soft, high-quality fabrics from environmentally friendly non-woven threads of the same
composition as from natural fibers remains one of the pressing problems. In this article we will talk
about various raw materials, namely, non-woven threads made from cotton fiber, non-woven threads
made from wool, non-woven threads made from silk threads of cocoon worm, finished fabrics, knitwear,
necessary products for other sectors of the national economy, such as towels, soft underwear
underwear, baby wraps, socks, fluffy warm headwear that retain heat are also made from medical grade
materials. It is possible to provide various sectors of the national economy with inexpensive products
made from high-quality natural fibers. Using least squares methods in mathematics, deformation forces,
bends, velocities assigned to non-slip threads obtained from natural fibers in technological processes,
work was determined to take into account the nature of the coagulation of threads and calculate the
stabilization of the dynamic process in the threads through them, as well as to calculate Hola taking
into account the elastic properties of fabrics. When managing quality, conclusions are drawn about the
quality of laboratory analyzers and the use of these analyzers. Information on the effectiveness of the
use of information technologies is provided.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | ISMAILOV N.T. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
2 | RAKHMONOV A.. | teacher | , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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