The article examines the peculiarities of the influence on the rigidity parameters of
package structures, which are a package formed from hard drives having small thicknesses compared
to its length and transverse dimensions in various ways. The problem was solved by qualitative
analysis of the work of a package structure for bending, torsion and compression-tension. A
qualitative analysis of the features of the influence of design and operational factors on the rigidity
parameters of the FPR was carried out. The main ways in which structural and operational factors
influence the rigidity parameters of package structures are changes in the magnitudes of volumetric
contact elastic and plastic deformations of the disk elements of the package, changes in the magnitudes
of friction forces on the surfaces of mutual contact of flat elements, and changes in the values of elastic
and plastic longitudinal deformations of the tension elements of the package. A qualitative analysis of
the features of the influence of design and operational factors on the rigidity parameters of the FPR
was carried out.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 28-12-2023
  • Ўқишлар сони 109
  • Нашр санаси 25-12-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони130-135

The article examines the peculiarities of the influence on the rigidity parameters of
package structures, which are a package formed from hard drives having small thicknesses compared
to its length and transverse dimensions in various ways. The problem was solved by qualitative
analysis of the work of a package structure for bending, torsion and compression-tension. A
qualitative analysis of the features of the influence of design and operational factors on the rigidity
parameters of the FPR was carried out. The main ways in which structural and operational factors
influence the rigidity parameters of package structures are changes in the magnitudes of volumetric
contact elastic and plastic deformations of the disk elements of the package, changes in the magnitudes
of friction forces on the surfaces of mutual contact of flat elements, and changes in the values of elastic
and plastic longitudinal deformations of the tension elements of the package. A qualitative analysis of
the features of the influence of design and operational factors on the rigidity parameters of the FPR
was carried out.

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