The article defined the title of "System connections in the semantic structure of kitchen vocabulary" aims to compare and contrast the lexical unitsused in the English and Uzbek languages when referring to household items, objects and activities. The article starts with a brief introduction to the importance of studying lexical units and their role in language acquisition, communication, and culture.The lexical units are categorized into semantic fields such as furniture, kitchenware, cleaning tools, etc. For each semantic field, the article presents a list of lexical units in both languages and analyzes their similarities and differences in terms ofform, meaning, and usage.
The article defined the title of "System connections in the semantic structure of kitchen vocabulary" aims to compare and contrast the lexical unitsused in the English and Uzbek languages when referring to household items, objects and activities. The article starts with a brief introduction to the importance of studying lexical units and their role in language acquisition, communication, and culture.The lexical units are categorized into semantic fields such as furniture, kitchenware, cleaning tools, etc. For each semantic field, the article presents a list of lexical units in both languages and analyzes their similarities and differences in terms ofform, meaning, and usage.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | RUSTAMOVA J.. | Master | Termiz State University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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