

  • ISSN нашр2181-2888
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  • WOSЙўқ
  • ScopusЙўқ
  • РИНЦЙўқ

This journal attends to publish and disseminate the results of research on social studies and historical points The main purpose of the research journal is to investigate, conduct and introduce key points of the general public and fundamental studies in the field of social sciences and history. Therefore, Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture also envisaged to announce the scientific achievements of young scholars on the contemporary concerns of the community while making analytical and theoretical research on historical points of the region in prehistoric epochs. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, citations, statistical and sociological information, geographical terms and other information presented in the article. The presented articles should be unique and have the latest points and news in science and education. Besides, the text of the article must be original and not published in other journals before. Articles are accepted in Uzbek, English and Russian, and the journal is published once every month.

Bosh muharrir

Shadmanov Qurbon

Buxoro davlat tibbiyot institutining «Ingliz tili» kafedrasi professori, falsafa fanlari doktori

Mas’ul kotib

Bakayev Najmiddin

Buxoro davlat tibbiyot institutining «Ingliz tili» kafedrasi dotsenti, pedagogika  fanlari nomzodi.

Ушбу журналнинг нашрлари