Traction calculations are an important part of the science of train traction, one of the main activities performed for the organization of train operation and the design of railway lines. Methods of traction calculations include a set of methods and techniques for determining the mass of the composition, speed and travel time along the stretch, fuel and electricity consumption for traction, solving braking problems. Carrying out traction calculations allows you to determine the number of necessary traction capacities for organizing the movement of a certain amount of cargo. The economic effect of railway transport enterprises, the efficiency of using the locomotive and wagon fleet directly depends on the accuracy of traction calculations. Objective: The purpose of the article is to perform traction calculations using the C# software package, to make numerical calculations, to plot the change of speeds and time when the train is moving along a given track profile, to provide a reliable and efficient
computing environment for finding the optimal traffic schedule in order to optimize the use of electric energy within this schedule. Methods: The method of choosing the trajectory of the train movement provides for the calculation of the parameters of the train in the form of blocks with the initial data. The method takes into account two problems of solving the equation of train motion. Results: Based on the developed computer shell for performing traction calculations, a graphical dependence of the speed of an electric locomotive on the distance traveled (train movement schedule) on the st.Altyaryk – st.Margelan stage is obtained. Conclusion: The proposed method of performing traction calculations, in contrast to the existing ones, allows automating the solution of problems for the conditions of choosing traffic modes at the Uzbek Railways landfill, determining accelerating and decelerating forces, as well as acceleration and deceleration modes of the train.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 16-04-2024
  • Ўқишлар сони 151
  • Нашр санаси 31-03-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони28-36

Traction calculations are an important part of the science of train traction, one of the main activities performed for the organization of train operation and the design of railway lines. Methods of traction calculations include a set of methods and techniques for determining the mass of the composition, speed and travel time along the stretch, fuel and electricity consumption for traction, solving braking problems. Carrying out traction calculations allows you to determine the number of necessary traction capacities for organizing the movement of a certain amount of cargo. The economic effect of railway transport enterprises, the efficiency of using the locomotive and wagon fleet directly depends on the accuracy of traction calculations. Objective: The purpose of the article is to perform traction calculations using the C# software package, to make numerical calculations, to plot the change of speeds and time when the train is moving along a given track profile, to provide a reliable and efficient
computing environment for finding the optimal traffic schedule in order to optimize the use of electric energy within this schedule. Methods: The method of choosing the trajectory of the train movement provides for the calculation of the parameters of the train in the form of blocks with the initial data. The method takes into account two problems of solving the equation of train motion. Results: Based on the developed computer shell for performing traction calculations, a graphical dependence of the speed of an electric locomotive on the distance traveled (train movement schedule) on the st.Altyaryk – st.Margelan stage is obtained. Conclusion: The proposed method of performing traction calculations, in contrast to the existing ones, allows automating the solution of problems for the conditions of choosing traffic modes at the Uzbek Railways landfill, determining accelerating and decelerating forces, as well as acceleration and deceleration modes of the train.


Тяговые расчеты – важная составная часть науки о тяге поездов, одно из основных мероприятий, проводимых для организации поездной работы и проектирования железнодорожных линий. Методы тяговых расчетов включают комплекс способов и приемов определения массы состава, скорости движения и времени хода по перегону, расхода топлива и электроэнергии на тягу, решение тормозных задач. Цель: Анализ существующих методов для поиска оптимальных режимов ведения поездов на полигоне узбекских железных дорог для оптимизации использования электрической энергии в рамках графика движения поездов и его оптимизации с точки зрения минимизации расхода электроэнергии. Методы: Методика выбора траектории движения поезда предусматривает расчет в виде блоков с исходными данными параметров состава и учитывает две задачи решения уравнения движения поезда. Результаты: На основании разработанной компьютерной оболочки для выполнения тяговых расчетов построено графическая зависимость скорости электровоза от пройденного пути (энергооптимальные кривые движения поезда) на перегоне станция Алтыарык – станция Маргелан.


Tortish hisoblari poezdlarni tortish fanining muhim tarkibiy qismi bo'lib, poezd ishlarini tashkil etish va temir yo'l liniyalarini loyihalash bo'yicha amalga oshiriladigan asosiy tadbirlardan biridir. Tortish hisoblari tarkiblarning massasini, haydash tezligi va
harakatlanish vaqtini, tortish uchun yoqilg'i va elektr energiyasi sarfini, tormozlash masalalarini yechishning bir qator usullari va yo'llarini o'z ichiga oladi. Maqsad: poezdlar harakati jadvali doirasida elektr energiyasidan foydalanishni optimallashtirish va elektr energiyasi sarfini minimallashtirish nuqtai nazaridan, O'zbekiston temir yo'llari poligonida poezdlarni boshqarishning maqbul rejimlarini topishning mavjud usullarini tahlil qilish. Usullari: poezd traektoriyasini tanlash metodologiyasi harakat tarkibi parametrlarining dastlabki ma'lumotlari bo'lgan bloklar shaklida hisoblashni ta'minlaydi va poezd harakati tenglamasini echishning ikkita masalasini hisobga oladi. Natijalar: tortish hisoblarini amalga oshirish uchun ishlab chiqilgan kompyuter qobig'i asosida elektrovoz tezligining bosib o'tgan yo'lga (poezd harakatining energiya-optimal egri chiziqlari) grafik bog'liqligi qurilgan.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Lesov A.T. Assistent Tashkent State Transport University
2 Rasulmukhamedov M.M. Katta ilmiy xodim Tashkent State Transport University
Ҳавола номи
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