Accelerating the development of hydrocarbon deposits, improving their technical and economic parameters, maximum
extraction of the products of the old oil and gas reservoirs require complex investigations involving mathematical tools.
In this paper we consider a mathematical model and software tool designed for the study of the filtration process a
mixture of the "oil-gas-water" in a porous medium for concrete practical recommendations and administrative
decisions. In the course of the numerical calculations were the main parameters of the process and its change ranges,
allowing to determine the operation of the reservoir depending on the length and capacity, also the number of wells and
production rates. The suitability of the developed algorithm and program for calculation of fields of pressure and
saturation are demonstrated, as well as field development indicators in the "Oil-Gas" systems, the "oil-water", "oil-gaswater". Results of numerical experiments on computer are presented as graphics.
Accelerating the development of hydrocarbon deposits, improving their technical and economic parameters, maximum
extraction of the products of the old oil and gas reservoirs require complex investigations involving mathematical tools.
In this paper we consider a mathematical model and software tool designed for the study of the filtration process a
mixture of the "oil-gas-water" in a porous medium for concrete practical recommendations and administrative
decisions. In the course of the numerical calculations were the main parameters of the process and its change ranges,
allowing to determine the operation of the reservoir depending on the length and capacity, also the number of wells and
production rates. The suitability of the developed algorithm and program for calculation of fields of pressure and
saturation are demonstrated, as well as field development indicators in the "Oil-Gas" systems, the "oil-water", "oil-gaswater". Results of numerical experiments on computer are presented as graphics.
Uglеvodorodli konlarni qayta ishlash, ularning tеxnik-iqtisodiy ko’rsatkichlarini oshirish hamda eski nеft va gaz
konlaridagi uglevodorodlarni maksimal qazib olish matеmatik apparat yordamida komplеks tadqiqotlar o’tkazishni
talab etadi. Ushbu ishda g’ovak muhitdagi “nеft-gaz-suv” aralashmasi filtratsiya jarayonini aniq amaliy takliflar va
boshqarishga oid qarorlar qabul qilish maqsadida tadqiq qilish uchun matеmatik modеl va dasturiy vositaning tavsiflari
kеltirilgan. O’tkazilgan sonli hisoblar davomida g’ovak muhitdagi “nеft-gaz-suv” aralashmasi filtratsiyasi jarayonining
qatlamni ekspluatatsiya qilish vaqtini uning uzunligi, quvvati, quduqlar soni va dеbitlari miqdoriga bog’liq holda
aniqlash imkonini bеruvchi asosiy paramеtrlari va ularning o’zgarish oraliqlari aniqlandi. Yaratilgan algoritm va dastur
bosim va to’yinganlik maydonlarini, bundan tashqari «nеft-gaz», «nеft-suv», «nеft-gaz-suv» tizimlarida konlarni
ishlash ko’rsatkichlarini hisoblashga yaroqliligi isbotlandi. EHMda o’tkazilgan hisob tajribalari grafik ob`yеktlar
ko’rinishida kеltirildi.
Ускорение разработки углеводородных месторождений, повышение их технико-экономических показателей,
максимальное извлечение продуктов из старых нефтегазовых залежей требуют проведения комплексных
исследований с привлечением математических инструментов. В настоящей работе приведены описания
математической модели и программного средства для исследования процесса фильтрации смеси «нефть-газ-
вода» в пористой среде с целью принятия конкретных практических рекомендаций и управленческих решений.
В ходе проведенных численных расчетов установлены основные параметры исследуемого процесса и
диапазоны их изменения, позволяющие определять время эксплуатации пласта в зависимости от его длины и
мощности, числа скважин и их дебитов. Показана пригодность разработанного алгоритма и программы для
расчетов полей давлений и насыщенностей, а также показателей разработки месторождений в системах «нефть-
газ», «нефть-вода», «нефть-газ-вода». Результаты проведенных вычислительных экспериментов на ЭВМ
представлены в виде графических объектов.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Soliyev E.A. | dotsent | Jizzax politexnika instuti |
2 | Qurbonov N.M. | ilmiy xodim | Axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari ilmiy-innovatsion markazi |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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10 | Qurbonov N.M. G’ovak muhitdagi murakkab tarkibli aralashmaning filtering zharaёnini tadqiq etish uchun model va hisoblash experiment // Informatics wa energy muammolari magazine. – Toshkent, 2014. – № 3-4. – B. 55-61. |
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