Products made of natural silk are indispensable for their hygienic properties and will
always be in great demand. To obtain an even and intense coloration on a textile material, it is necessary
to ensure its effective preparation with the most complete removal of hydrophobic contaminants (both
natural and silicone oils applied during the weaving process, lubricants, etc.), which hinder the dyeing
of the substrate and reduce the color characteristics of the obtained colors. Therefore, the issue of
preparing natural silk for dyeing is relevant. In view of the sensitivity of the main fiber-forming
component of natural silk - fibroin to the effects of chemical reagents, finishing operations (in
particular, degluing) should be carried out under gentle conditions, which, nevertheless, provide
maximum cleaning from related substances without violating the integrity of the fiber. Known methods
of decoction (soap-soda and with the use of surfactants) are carried out under conditions that destroy
silk fiber. Therefore, the most promising method of degluing is the use of biological catalysts - enzymes,
which are distinguished by a selective, directional action. Enzyme technologies are one of the
alternatives to traditional processes for the preparation and finishing of silk textile materials, the use
of which helps to solve such important problems as creating a cleaner, softer, more environmentally
friendly chemical production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to create a new degluing technology
based on enzymes, which allows minimizing fiber damage while increasing the efficiency of finishing
operations. In this work, a neutral-acting enzyme was chosen by the selection method based on a
combination of criteria, removing the required amount of sericin silk glue, while maintaining the
structure of fibroin, and a mode of degluing with the selected enzyme Protosubtilin G3x was proposed.
In the course of the work, the influence of the enzymatic method of decoction on the dyeability of silk
was studied using the example of active dyes in comparison with traditional degluing methods.

  • Internet ҳавола
  • DOI
  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 22-04-2024
  • Ўқишлар сони 113
  • Нашр санаси 20-04-2024
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони10-15

Products made of natural silk are indispensable for their hygienic properties and will
always be in great demand. To obtain an even and intense coloration on a textile material, it is necessary
to ensure its effective preparation with the most complete removal of hydrophobic contaminants (both
natural and silicone oils applied during the weaving process, lubricants, etc.), which hinder the dyeing
of the substrate and reduce the color characteristics of the obtained colors. Therefore, the issue of
preparing natural silk for dyeing is relevant. In view of the sensitivity of the main fiber-forming
component of natural silk - fibroin to the effects of chemical reagents, finishing operations (in
particular, degluing) should be carried out under gentle conditions, which, nevertheless, provide
maximum cleaning from related substances without violating the integrity of the fiber. Known methods
of decoction (soap-soda and with the use of surfactants) are carried out under conditions that destroy
silk fiber. Therefore, the most promising method of degluing is the use of biological catalysts - enzymes,
which are distinguished by a selective, directional action. Enzyme technologies are one of the
alternatives to traditional processes for the preparation and finishing of silk textile materials, the use
of which helps to solve such important problems as creating a cleaner, softer, more environmentally
friendly chemical production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to create a new degluing technology
based on enzymes, which allows minimizing fiber damage while increasing the efficiency of finishing
operations. In this work, a neutral-acting enzyme was chosen by the selection method based on a
combination of criteria, removing the required amount of sericin silk glue, while maintaining the
structure of fibroin, and a mode of degluing with the selected enzyme Protosubtilin G3x was proposed.
In the course of the work, the influence of the enzymatic method of decoction on the dyeability of silk
was studied using the example of active dyes in comparison with traditional degluing methods.


Изделия из натурального шелка незаменимы по своим гигиеническим
свойствам и всегда будут пользоваться большим спросом. Для получения ровной и интенсивной
окраски на текстильном материале необходимо обеспечить его эффективную подготовку с
наиболее полным удалением гидрофобных загрязнений (как природных, так и наносимых в
процессе ткачества силиконовых масел, замасливателей и др.), затрудняющих крашение
субстрата и снижающих колористические характеристики полученных окрасок. Поэтому
вопрос подготовки натурального шелка к крашению является актуальным. Ввиду
чувствительности основного волокнообразующего компонента натурального шелка - фиброина
к воздействию химических реагентов отделочные операции (в частности, обесклеивание)
должны проводиться в щадящих условиях, обеспечивающих, тем не менее, максимальную
очистку от сопутствующих веществ без нарушения целостности волокна. Известные способы
отварки (мыльно-содовый и с применением ПАВ) проводятся в деструктирующих шелковое
волокно условиях. Поэтому наиболее перспективным способом обесклеивания является
использование биологических катализаторов – ферментов (энзимов), отличающихся
селективным, направленным действием. Энзимные технологии являются одной из альтернатив
традиционным процессам подготовки и отделки шелковых текстильных материалов,
использование которых помогает решить такие важные задачи, как создание более чистого,
мягкого, экологичного химического производства. Поэтому целью данного исследования явилось
создание новой технологии обесклеивания на основе ферментов, позволяющей максимально
снизить повреждение волокна при одновременном повышении эффективности отделочных
операций. Методом отбора по совокупности критериев в настоящей работе был выбран
фермент нейтрального действия, удаляющий необходимое количество шелкового клея
серицина, сохраняя при этом структуру фиброина, и предложен режим обесклеивания
выбранным ферментом Протосубтилином Г3х. В ходе работы было изучено влияние
ферментативного способа отварки на накрашиваемость шелка на примере активных
красителей в сравнении с традиционными способами обесклеивания.


Tabiiy ipak mahsulotlari o‘zining gigiуenik xususiyatlari bilan ularga bo‘lgan
talabni yuqoriligi bilan ajralib turadi. To‘qimachilik matolarni bo‘yashda bir tekis ravon ranglarni
hosil qilishda turli iflosliklardan (tabiiy, shuningdek yigirish, to‘qish jarayonlarida ishlatiladigin
silikon yog‘lar, moylar va boshqalar) tayyorlash jarayonini jadal olib borish orqali gidrofob
iflosliklardan tozalashni taqazo etadi. Shuning uchun tabiiy ipakni bo‘yash uchun tayyorlash dolzarb
masala hisoblanadi. Tabiiy ipakning asosiy tola hosil qiluvchi komponenti - fibroinning kimyoviy
reagentlar ta'siriga sezgirligi tufayli pardozlash operatsiyalarini (xususan, уelimsizlantirish) yumshoq
sharoitlarda amalga oshirilishi kerak, shuningdek tolani mustaxkamligiga ta’sir etmagan holda bu
kimyoviy moddalardan maksimal darajada foydalanishni talab etadi. Tabiiy ipakni qaynatishning
ma'lum usuli (sirt faol moddalar asosidagi sovunli- sodali usul) tolani distruksiyasiga olib kelishi
munkin. SHuning uchun ipakni уelimsizlantirish jarayonida biologik katalizatorlar –fermentlarni
(enzimlar) qo‘llash ustida ishlar olib borilmoqda. Enzimlar bilan to‘qimachilik matolariga ishlov
berish texnologiyalari an'anaviy tayyorlash va pardozlash texnologiyalariga alternativ texnologiya
bo‘lib, ulardan foydalanish yumshoqroq, ekologik toza kimyoviy texnologik jarayonlarni yaratish kabi
muhim muammolarni hal qilishga yordam beradi. SHuning uchun mazkur ilmiy izlanishlar yangi tabiiy
ipakni уelimsizlantirishning fermentativ usulini qo‘llash imkoniyatlarini o‘rganishga bag‘ishlangan
bo‘lib, tolani maksimal darajada shikastlamagan holdatayyorlash jarayonini effektivligini oshirishga
bag‘ishlangan. Tanlab olingan usullar orqali fibroin strukturasini saqlagan holda ipak sirinsinidan
maksimal darajada tozalash uchun neytral ta'sirga ega ferment Протосубтилин Г3х. ishtirokidagi
tarkib va texnologik rejim tanlab olindi. Olib borilgan ishlar natijasida tavsiya etilayotgan
qaynatishning fermentativ usuli orqali ipak matolarini faol bo‘yovchi moddalar bilan bo‘yashda
bzyalgan matolarning rang intensivligi an'anaviy usulga nisbatan yuqoriligi aniqlandi.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Khamidova V.D. PhD, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan
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