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1 | Niyazbekov S.S. | Dotsent | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
2 | Mamadaliev A.Y. | Dotsent | Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
3 | Mukhammadiev N.R. | dotsent | Tashkent State Transport University |
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15 | 15. Kaewunruen S and Ishida M. In Situ Monitoring of Rail Squats in Three Dimensions Using Ultrasonic Technique/ S. Kaewunruen and M. Ishida Experimental Techniques, 2016, 40 (4), 1179-1185.6. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2015.00006. Sydney Australia, 2016. |