№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Kulmukhamedov J.R. | Katta o'qituvchi | Tashkent Automobile and Road Technical School |
2 | Hikmatov R.S. | Katta o'qituvchi | Tashkent State Transport University |
3 | Saidumarov A.R. | Katta o'qituvchi | Research and production center “Uzavtotranstekhnika” |
4 | Abdurashidov I.Z. | Katta o'qituvchi | Tashkent State Transport University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | 1. Kulmukhamedov D.R. Scientific basis for improving the efficiency of vehicles in a hot-dry climate. Monograph. Tashkent: "Tafakkur kanoti". 2018. - 304p. |
2 | 2. Zagarin D.A., Kulmukhamedov D.R. Determining the effect of ambient temperature on the speed characteristic of the engine. Collection of materials of the international scientific and technical seminar "Global partnership as a condition and guarantee of sustainable development", TIPSEAD Tashkent October 22-23, 2019 |
3 | 3. Grekhov L.V. Fuel equipment and control systems for diesel engines / L.V. Grekhov, N.A. Ivashchenko, V.A. Markov. M.: Legion-Avtodata, 2005. -344 p. |
4 | 4. Karnaukhov V.N., Karnaukhov O.V. Determination of the effective specific fuel consumption for different types of engines, taking into account the density, pressure and air temperature // Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy. - 2016. - No. 4 |
5 | 5. Karnaukhova I.V. Saving fuel in the operation of trucks by adjusting the parameters of the air at the engine inlet. Abstract for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Tyumen, 2018. |
6 | 6. Kulchitsky A.R. Toxicity of automobile and tractor engines / A.R. Kulchitsky. - Vladimir: Publishing House of the Vladimir State. Univer., 2000. -256p. |