In this scientific article, the levels of residual technological stress in the disks of solid-rolled wheels of freight and passenger cars were determined using the strain gauge method. For this, an experiment was carried out with the objects of research. For objects of study, different types of wheels were selected. The experiments were carried out according to the European EN 13262:2004+A2:2011 and between the state GOST R 54093-2010 standards. After the experiment, all data was processed and plots were prepared for all types. From the diagram, the level of residual stresses in the transition of the disk of solid-rolled wheels of wagons was determined.

  • Internet ҳавола
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  • UzSCI тизимида яратилган сана 11-05-2024
  • Ўқишлар сони 68
  • Нашр санаси 30-09-2023
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони39-45

In this scientific article, the levels of residual technological stress in the disks of solid-rolled wheels of freight and passenger cars were determined using the strain gauge method. For this, an experiment was carried out with the objects of research. For objects of study, different types of wheels were selected. The experiments were carried out according to the European EN 13262:2004+A2:2011 and between the state GOST R 54093-2010 standards. After the experiment, all data was processed and plots were prepared for all types. From the diagram, the level of residual stresses in the transition of the disk of solid-rolled wheels of wagons was determined.


В данной статье анализируются неисправности колесо, связанные с диском всего подвижного состава. За последние 10 лет было изучено количество случаев сбоев подачи с помощью колесного диска и их размеры. Кроме того, учитывался сезонный характер сбоев, в какое время года наблюдается больше всего. Также были проанализированы средняя длина трещин в колесах с течением времени, а также наиболее заметные
размеры. Длина образования трещин была проверена для среднеквадратичного отклонения, и ее значение оказалось равным 124 мм. На основе среднеквадратичного отклонения рассчитывают коэффициент образования трещин в диапазоне от 68 мм до 316 мм, т.е. коэффициент вариации. Вариационный коэффициент составил 0,66.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Shokuchkorov K.. Katta o'qituvchi Tashkent State Transport University
Ҳавола номи
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11 11.Regulatory standards for calculation and design of the 1520 mm gauge wagons of the Ministry of Railways (Publisher Name, Publisher City, 1996), pp. 319.
12 12.P.F. Mironov “Thermal hardening and stress state of solid-rolled railway wheels” of the Candidate of Technical Sciences dissertation St. Petersburg State University of Railway Transport. - Saint Petersburg, 2014.
13 13.D.P. Kononov “Improving the strength of solid-rolled wheels of railway rolling stock” dissertation of the Candidate of Technical Sciences St. Petersburg State University of Railway Transport. - Saint Petersburg, 2013.
14 14.D.E. Kerentsev and J.K. Ponomarev “The influence of residual technological stress and service heat loads on the strength of railway wheels” – VESTNIK of Samara University,
15 15.A.V. Kosalan and V.P. Malajzuk, A.V. Brain, “Studies of residual stresses in solid-rolled railway wheels” Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing, 2013. - pp. 45-50.
16 16.S.L. Shitkin “Investigation by the X-ray method of the influence of residual stresses wagon wheels on improving their quality” dissertation of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport, 2017 pp. 180.
17 17.G.N. Chernyshev and A.L. Popov, V.M. Kozinsev, I.I. “Ponomarev Residual Stresses in Deformable Solids, Moscow, Nauka, 1996, pp. 240.
18 18.I.A. Ivanov “Residual stresses in solid-rolled wheels after hardening” Izvestiya PGUPS, 2016. Pp. 337-343.
19 19.A.V. Yakushev “The calculitions of the safety factor of a wheel setby means of Mathcad” Naukavideniya. 2014, pp. 545.
20 20.I.A. Ivanov and D.P Kononov “Analysis of the stress state of disks solid-rolled wheels with different loading schemes” New materials and technologies in mechanical engineering. Bryansk, 2002, pp. 45 – 49.